The best prescription for a worn-out body is gentle mind and body exercise. Yoga is an ideal workout. It’s gentle, easy to follow, and, even if it is the only form of exercise you have time to do, it still gives you a good workout.
Yoga is an excellent way to tone your body while calming your mind. It may not look like it’s doing a lot, because it is an internal process. If you have never tried yoga before don’t be disheartened, because it can be hard at first, however, fit you are. Don’t force your body into the poses. Instead, use your breathing to help unlock any stiffness and move your body fluidly into the position.

Breathing effectively is the key to yoga’s effectiveness. Yoga teaches you to breathe through your nose and from your diaphragm, allowing your lungs to expand to their full capacity and forcing extra oxygen into your bloodstream. The breathing acts as a natural tranquilizer on your nervous system. Just five minutes can deeply relax you.
The quality of breathing, say yoga experts, is more important even than the quantity of your movement. If it’s smooth, calm, soft and consistent you will fill your mind with clear alertness. People sometimes hold their breath when challenged in a certain yoga movement but it’s important to try to avoid this. Let your breath flow freely.
Breathe out and you’ll find you can go deeper into the positions.
Power yoga
Yoga can also make you strong and toned, and improve your cardiovascular and muscular stamina. The increasingly popular ashtanga (also known as power or dynamic yoga) is based on the same deep breathing techniques or other forms of yoga, but the movements are fast-paced, almost athletic, and performed in a non-stop sequence. Devotees claim it is more effective than a weight routine and as good for the heart as running. It could really transform your shape.

Today began with a simple, gentle 10-minute yoga workout. Slowly try to do it every day. You should feel yoga stress levels dissolve, your body relaxes and your energy levels so an. And you will be ready to progress to power yoga before you know it.
Before you start
• Wear comfortable, loose clothing and find a place where you won’t be disturbed. You may like to put on some relaxing music.
• Being each pose by standing with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
• Do all the moves in the order given and bear in mind that all your movements should be smooth and fluid. Try to remember at all times to keep your hips square, your legs straight, and your spin ‘long’.
• Don’t forget that your breathing is vital. Focus on your breath all the time and try to bring real calm and stillness to your mind.

Some Exercises you should definitely follow:
The Energizer
For: A deep stretch and better breath control
1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold your arms down in front of you, with your palms touching your thighs. Inhale deeply and bend backward, extending your arms above your head as you do so. Push your hips as far forward as you can, and bend as far back as is comfortable for you. Hold this position for a slow count of three, without exhaling.
2. Exhale and, stretching forwards from your tailbone, bring your spine down and your body forwards so your palms touch the floor. If you can’t reach the floor, bend your knees. Hold and breathe deeply for five to seven seconds.
3. Inhale and slowly uncurl your spine, returning to arms standing posture. Repeat from the beginning, five times.
The ultimate stretch
For: Balance, focus, stamina, and flexibility
1. Lift your right leg up behind you, holding your foot with your right hand.
2. Point your right toes and extend your left arm up, close to your ear. To help you balance, focus on a point in front of you. Hold for three to five seconds, breathing in and out until you feel you have achieved perfect balance.
3. Slowly lift your right leg as far behind you as possible. Bring your bodyweight forward taking your left arm out in front. Keep your shoulders down. Hold for as long as is comfortable, breathing normally. Repeat the whole move on the other leg.
The stress reliever
For: Release of tension in the spine, neck, and shoulders
1. Kneel with your knees hip-width apart. Keeping your spine straight, lightly hold your forearms behind your back. Inhale deeply. Exhale and push your hips as far forward as you can.
2. Grasp your heels. If you can’t reach, keep holding your arms. Relax your head and neck back to create an arch, d hold for five to seven seconds, breathing deeply.
3. Slowly sit down on your heels. Move your body forwards until you’re resting your foreheads on the floor. Hold for five to seven seconds. Repeat once.
The deep relaxer
For: Relaxation of every muscle in the body
1. Sit with your knees together and your bottom between your feel. With your hands resting on your feet, start to lower your body back onto your elbows.
2. When you feel comfortable, lie back all the way and take your hand over your head, resting them on your forearms.
If you feel any discomfort, put a pillow under the small of your back. Take very deep breaths and focus on your breathing for as long as you – aim for five minutes.
3. Slowly return to the starting position by pushing your chest forward, going back onto your elbow, then your stomach muscles to push yourself up. Do this move once only.
Amrutam Family wishes you a Healthy & Fun international Yoga day!