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Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner
Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner

Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner

Rs. 293.00

Size: 1 x Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner

1 x Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner
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● Amrutam's Copper Tongue cleaner is the most highly recommended device by Ayurveda practitioners and experts.
● The beauty of this carved metal lies in its ability to scrap all the toxins off the tongue, thereby reducing bacterial load and helping eliminate bad breath.
● Added benefit? Great breath and an improved sense of taste!


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Why choose Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner?

● Using Amrutam Copper Tongue Cleaner as a part of everyday oral hygiene offers a plethora of benefits such as cleaning unwanted buildup of toxins, reducing bacterial load, eliminating bad breath, and thus improving the sense of taste.


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