5 Ways to Manage PMS Mood Swings

5 Amrutam ways to manage PMS mood swings.

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5 Ways to Manage PMS Mood Swings

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) affects many women of childbearing age, especially a few days before menstruation. PMS symptoms, like mood swings, occur during the last phase of a women’s cycle- typically, 14 to 28 of a menstrual cycle. A lot of women experience uncontrollable mood swings, due to a roller coaster of emotions, all in one day. However, once the menstruation starts, the PMS symptoms usually subside.

Here are some common emotional PMS symptoms women experience:

  • Anger
  • Crying
  • Depression
  • Over-sensitivity
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety or nervousness
  • Sadness


But you don’t need to let these emotions weigh you down. You can stabilize your mood swings and improve your emotional health by incorporating the following lifestyle changes:


Physical exercise is said to release endorphins that can uplift moods and lessen depression. The feel-good brain hormone may counteract some of the hormonal changes experienced during PMS. Exercising can also boost energy and reduce cramps and bloating. It will definitely make you feel better. You could include aerobic exercises, like walking, running, bicycling, or swimming, in your daily routine. Pick up any activity that you truly enjoy doing.

Eat Small, Frequent Meals

Having big meals, rich in carbohydrates, can cause fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, which could worsen PMS. Eating small proportionate meals throughout the day keeps your blood sugar in control. This, in turn, may also help ease PMS mood swings. On the other hand, long gaps between meals can cause low blood sugar. This could be the underlying reason for crying spells and irritability often seen in women with severe PMS. It is recommended to eat six square meals a day to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Take Ayurvedic Supplements

Ayurveda understands that menstruation is an opportunity to restore balance in the three elements of physiology: Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. Research suggests that PMS symptoms depend on which of the three Doshas are out of balance. For instance, a Vata imbalance during the premenstrual period would result in anxiety, nervous tension, and the feeling of "spaced out”. For Pitta, however, the symptoms are more anger and irritation. Kapha imbalance, as always, is characterized by lethargy. Ayurvedic supplements, such as Nari Soundarya Malt, help ease out the monthly cycle. 

Reduce Caffeine, Alcohol, and Sweets

Before you indulge in that brick of your favorite ice-cream, read on to know why cutting down sugary foods may improve your mood. Staying away from candy, soda, and other sugary products, especially in the premenstrual period, can ease severe PMS mood swings associated with blood sugar fluctuations. Cutting down on caffeine can reduce anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia. Steering clear of alcohol can avoid slipping into depression. Though in reality, you cannot completely avoid these tempting foods, it is imperative to eat or drink in moderation.

Stress Management

Stress can worsen your PMS symptoms. While we can’t avoid stress, let’s find effective ways to combat stress in our daily lives. Some techniques include meditation, deep breathing, and yoga. For women with severe mood swings, individual or group therapies are found to be impactful.

Emotional ups and downs are a part of our lives. We hope the above tips will help you to control your mood swings.

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