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Welcome to Amrutam`s Blog again and we are thankful to have you here again.
It is only because of our readers that we keep on going and keep writing about everything that is healthy, ayurvedic, green and awesome.
Did you get time to check out our range of malts?
I really think you should, Amrutam Malts are ancient ayurvedic formulae for your overall health and beauty.
With increasing stress and tensions in our daily life, Amrutam has brought to you a 100% natural Ayurvedic formula for your Mental Immunity- Brainkey Gold Malt
Brainkey Gold Malt is a mental immunity builder to protect you against damage and stress.
With increasing stress and tensions, the need to worry has increased not only for those suffering from stress, tension or a particular ailment but also for the caregivers.
And, how often do we think about the care that caregiver's require themselves?
The caregiver's burden is heavier than we imagine. It is the stress which is taken by the caregivers because of the home care that they choose to provide to their loved ones. If the caregivers burden is more than they themselves can handle, it can also lead to a negative impact to those whom care is being provided to.
Caregiver is anyone who provides support and help to a person in need because of their personal reasons and not professional.
So if you are a young adult and you have chosen to return to your home city to be around your parents who have been suffering from the Empty Nest Syndrome. Empty Nest Syndrome is a feeling of loneliness and grief which some parents feel when their children leave their home for the first time.
You are a caregiver then, and we are sure that you are an awesome. It takes a brave heart to think of others before themselves. However, dear it is very important that you think of your health as well.
The caregiver`s health is as important as much as the health of person to whom care is being provided.
Caregivers burden is the negative experience of care, which you might go through when the process of care giving too much for you to handle.
What can make the process of care giving to difficult for you to handle?
Care giving by you, as an individual can become a negative experience when there is a lot of energy being invested in the process of providing support and help to the person in need.
In case when the person`s who themselves believe that they are suffering through an ailment or illness, have a scarce desire to recover. The caregivers efforts can become more difficult and sometimes of no use as well.
“If you don`t want to recover, no one can help you recover.”
A psychological study suggests that too little time with the caregiver for their own interests and feeling of sympathy towards the sufferer add a lot the caregiver`s burden.
The moral virtue of kindness which is attached to the act of caregiving is definitely profound and noble. However, if you are not able to take care of yourself, what good is the care for others?
You come first and it is very important that you learn to take care of yourself.
We, at Amrutam, have decided to create a forum for you and for just anyone who wishes to speak out their concerns, their feelings and what they are facing in their lives- Reflections. Email us at care@amrutam.co.in to know more about Reflections.
Most of the caregivers from all around the world report these common concerns that they have faced in their tenure of providing care:
- Sleep deprivation
- Poor eating habits
- Failure to exercise
- Failure to stay in bed when ill
- Postponement of or failure to make medical appointments for themselves
If you find yourself going through any of the above concerns, then be alert the burden on your shoulders might be much more than you can handle.
“Family caregivers are also at increased risk for depression… On the one hand, caring for your family member demonstrates love and commitment and can be a very rewarding personal experience. On the other hand, exhaustion, worry, inadequate resources, and continuous care demands are enormously stressful. Caregivers are more likely to have a chronic illness than are non-caregivers, namely high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a tendency to be overweight. Studies show that an estimated 46 percent to 59 percent of caregivers are clinically depressed.”
Brainkey Gold Malt- A Natural Formula for your Mental Immunity
Brainkey Gold Malt is a 100% natural, ayurvedic and herbal formula for your mental immunity. Brainkey Gold Malt protects you against damage and stress.
Here are some Amrutam Remedies to manage the Caregivers Burden:
#1. Know & Accept your Limitations
The very important lesson that I have personally learnt in my life, in the last few years is to know, understand and accept my limitations. With our childhood filled with superhero characters, it is likely that we begin to think of ourselves subconsciously as limitless beings.
When we imagine it, it does feel great to be even able to imagine ourselves to be limitless.
We are not though, limitless. We are only human beings with limitations which bound us every day.
If we learn to accept these limitations and not get disheartened by them- we can reduce half our stress.
#2.Think about Yourself
Please, if you have stopped, start again.
Start thinking about yourself. It is very important that you take out time to think about yourself. Take out time to indulge in activities and hobbies which give you joy. Take care of your physical health, as well.
#3. Listen
Yesterday, while listening to a Ted talk by Reshma Valliapan, I realized, once again, how important listening is. Listen to all your emotions, which are dancing within you. Do not just act on those emotions but listen, feel them. Every emotion that you feel is trying to tell you something, listen to the message it is trying to convey. Listen.
Start listening.
Physical workout works the best, it is important to indulge in some sort of physical exercise regularly. Any form of physical exercise promotes better sleep, reduces stress, tension and the feeling of worry.
In case, the winters have got you. If you are not able to indulge in any form of physical exercise because of the pain in your ankle, in joints or any other form of pain. Use Orthokey Gold Malt or Orthokey Gold Capsules- Orthokey Gold is a natural, ayurvedic and herbal formula for to help you provide relief from any kind of pain. (No Side Effects)
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We really value your feedback.
Drop us a mail at care@amrutam.co.in and we will get back to you.