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Curbing the urge to head outside and wander the streets has to be our number priority at the moment. With our country just realizing the full extent of the severity of the pandemic, every person must faithfully play their role to minimize the spread of the virus. The simplest way to do this is by home-quarantining (unless you have pressing matters to attend to). Using a mask, maintaining social distancing and using sanitizer/hand wash to keep your hands germ-free are all essential steps but are, in some ways, secondary measures.
Staying at home limits the odds of both contracting as well spreading the coronavirus. Home quarantining also makes it easier for the local authorities and frontline workers to assist the people that require the most help. This article aims to help you practice home-quarantining successfully and guide you through the difficult parts.

Sitting still for prolonged periods is not a human trait. Quite literally, we have evolved to always stay on the move (that is until we created settlements and learned of farming back in the day!). Another aspect that influences our thought process is the urge to socialize and form connections. Even the earliest records of humanity have always mentioned us working in packs, tribes and communities. These two factors combine to create the restlessness and unease most people feel when they have to stay cooped up at home.
Humanity reached the pinnacle of evolution due to the social structures we set up to help us mitigate hardships. Evading predators, finding shelter and food were all simpler because we had others to help us. This mindset is prevalent even in the present-day human. Most of us crave social bonds and relations, although at times the notion may not make much sense.

Ways to Ease The Stress of Self-Isolation
Obviously, the current pandemic takes prevalence and we must play our part in trying to normalize the world again. While the idea of staying cooped up in your home may seem daunting, there are a few things that can help ease the process.
- Call your friends and relatives. Check up on your loved ones. Use video conferencing to stay in touch. Alone the pandemic may be hard, but together, with our loved ones, we can overcome this hurdle!

- Engage yourself with physical activity. Once you have made your choice, set a schedule and commit to it. Regular physical activity helps in strengthening our minds as well as our bodies, especially while home-quarantining. Yoga is particularly suitable as plenty of online videos and classes are available to familiarize you and require minimal, if any, equipment. While we are on the topic of physical activity, Abhyanga, or massage, is an easy way to revitalize your body while also clearing your system of toxins. Giving yourself an Abhyanga daily is a simple method to keep your body healthy and your mind fresh. (Massages are even better when you use Amrutam’s Kayakey Body Oil or Poshak Key Massage Oil!)
- Health is more than just the physical aspects. Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health. Make sure your daily schedule has enough time kept aside for short breaks and de-stressing intervals. Letting your mind rest during a busy day ensures optimal performance for longer time frames. Additionally, the current pandemic is stressful enough to induce noticeable mental changes. If you, or anyone you know, are facing mental issues, kindly seek help. Trained professionals can guide you through these mental troubles and expedite the healing process.

- Food is an important aspect of our daily lives. Studies note that eating the right things can improve your immunity, your health and your mental state. Ayurvedic texts also recommend consuming three meals a day at fixed times. This allows your digestive system to adapt to the schedule and work efficiently. Opt for fresh foods and try to consume nutritious, home-cooked meals whenever possible. (Herbal drinks like the Ayushkey Kwath can supplement your innate immunity)
These are some of the ways in which you can try to stay healthy while also home-quarantining. The important thing is staying safe and taking care of yourself and your family. As is to be expected, things will be slightly different if you or someone living with you is showing COVID-19 symptoms. We have compiled a guide to help you navigate such a situation in the following sections. Before that, we have listed some of the common symptoms expressed by individuals who are affected by the coronavirus. This should help you identify at-risk people nearby and provide them with the required assistance.
According to the World Health Organization, fever, dry cough and general fatigue are some of the common symptoms of Covid-19. Loss of smell and taste, diarrhoea, headache, body pains and rashes are less common symptoms, seen on a smaller percentage of affected people.
WHO classifies
- Difficulty in breathing
- Chest Pain
- and Losing the ability to speak or move as serious symptoms of the virus. If an individual expresses these symptoms, they must ne
How to Self-Isolate When You are Sick?
Once you have confirmed that you have contracted the covid-19 virus and have begun experiencing symptoms, you will want to immediately isolate yourself to your room and distance yourself from your family/friends. Initially, the situation may seem difficult and confusing but with a little assistance, you should be able to work through it just fine. Some simple rules an infected individual must follow while quarantining are mentioned below.
- As mentioned previously, distancing yourself from others is the primary priority. Isolate yourself to your room and minimize interaction with others.

- Wear a mask when you have to be around others. It is also advisable for others to wear a mask when they have to interact with individuals who are showing symptoms of COVID-19. This minimizes the possibility of infection.
- Try to keep your surroundings as clean and tidy as possible. Wipe any table surface or door handles with disinfectants at least once a day. Keeping your room clean is also a soothing activity and can help relieve some of the stress and tension.
- Ensure that the room you are staying in is well ventilated.
- Use a separate set of utensils and clothing. Do not share these with others in the house. Wash the items thoroughly with hot, soapy water to completely cleanse them.
- Turn away visitors or friends in such situations.
- If the patient’s condition deteriorates to the point where they have to be taken to the hospital, make sure to wear a mask yourself and have the patient wear one too if possible.
How to Take Care of Someone Who is Sick at Home?
The flip side to the above section is when someone else in your household is sick. In addition to the above-mentioned guidelines, you should also
- Ensure that the patient is getting enough rest and fluids. Hydration could alleviate some of the pain and rest allows the body to heal itself.

- Constantly monitor the individual to check if their situation worsens. If the symptoms don’t subside within a week or two, their condition may be worsening. If the individual shows any trouble breathing or other extreme symptoms, contact a health care worker immediately.
Home-Quarantining seems like a daunting task. However, with a little patience and help from others, the time spent alone should pass by quickly. To prevent stress, anxiety and other mental issues from kicking on follow the steps listed in the first section. Strengthening your mind and body can get you through the worst situation. This applies to the Covid-19 disease as well.
With the pandemic seemingly worsening each day, it may be hard to see the light at the end of this dark, long tunnel. Each day seems like a battle. A battle we have to repeat the next day. And the day after that. And again after that, till this situation is under control. But we cannot give up just yet. As Edgar thinks to himself in the fourth Act of Shakespeare’s King Lear,
And worse I may be yet.
The worst is not
So long as we can say
“This is the worst.”
Reference 1: How to Protect Yourself & Others
Reference 2: Caring for Someone Sick at Home
Reference 3: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public