Holi Special!

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A very happy and colourful Holi to you and your family from Amrutam! Here's what happened at Amrutam last week!

What’s new at Amrutam

  • For those of you who do not know, the festival of Holi is known for its bright colours and sweet indulgences. Unlike the chemically made colours, at Amrutam, we celebrate and encourage playing Holi with naturally made and organic colours. Want to know how we do that? Check out these videos where we share with you how we make Gulaal from rose petals and haldi!
  • Having said that, this is also that time of the year when we need to take extra care of our skin given the changing seasons and weather! Skin disorders may occur due to a variety of reasons – some could be attributed to bad lifestyle choices, while others could be because of dosha Here, we have curated a list of things you can do to take care of your skin and treat it well at home!
  • With the month of March coming to an end shortly, we want to remind you that 31st March is the last date to register for the Amrutam Sadasya Annual Membership Program! Get exclusive benefits free monthly consultations with our Ayurvedic Doctors at Amrutam.Global, early trials and feedback for brand new recipes and FREE DELIVERY and so much more! Register today!

  • Did you know that Hibiscus or Gudahal as called in Hindi has numerous benefits that go beyond skin and hair health? At Amrutam Vatika, we have over 50 Gudahal plants which are used as ingredients in many Amrutam Recipes. Check out Mr. Ashok Gupta, Amrutam’s founding principal explain in detail about the potent qualities of Hibiscus!

A quote we like

  • “Everything is a practice.”

Articles you might enjoy reading

  • A day at Amrutam Vatika & Factory
  • Spanning over a vast area in the outskirts of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, Amrutam Vatika is an abode to many species of medicinal plants and herbs. An early morning visit to the Vatika will mean drenching your soul in the cool and pure breeze. The sun is almost always generous over the land where plants and ducklings dance alike in the soft cadence. Maali Babagently tends to the garden of vegetable plants growing in the Vatika and tells us which plant is what with its innumerable benefits and qualities.

  • योग, आयुर्वेद और भगवान शिव
  • भारतीय संस्कृति में ईश्वर को मूलतः मानवीय क्षमताओं और आदर्शों की सर्वोत्तम अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में देखा जाता है। इसका अर्थ है कि जो कुछ मानवीय है वही ईश्वरीय भी है, हमारे भगवान भी उन सब समस्याओं से जूझते हैं जिनसे एक आम इंसान जूझता है। सर्दियाँ आने पर मन्दिरों में भगवान को गर्म कपडे पहनाये जाते हैं, हमारे भगवान् बीमार भी होते हैं जगन्नाथ पुरी मंदिर में ऐसी परम्परा है कि भगवान जगन्नाथ को बुखार आता है और वे इस कारण कुछ दिनों तक आराम करते हैं, इस दौरान मंदिर के पट बंद रहते हैं। ऐसे अनेक उदहारण हमारे धर्मग्रंथों और लोक साहित्य में उपलब्ध हैं जिसमे इश्वर को मानवीय रूप में दिखाया गया है।

Creations under #AmrutamFamily project

That's all for this week at Amrutam!


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Amrutam Face Clean Up Reviews

Currently on my second bottle and happy with how this product has kept acne & breakouts in check. It doesn't leave the skin too dry and also doubles as a face mask.

Juhi Bhatt

Amrutam face clean up works great on any skin type, it has helped me keep my skin inflammation in check, helps with acne and clear the open pores. Continuous usage has helped lighten the pigmentation and scars as well. I have recommended the face clean up to many people and they have all loved it!!

Sakshi Dobhal

This really changed the game of how to maintain skin soft supple and glowing! I’m using it since few weeks and see hell lot of difference in the skin I had before and now. I don’t need any makeup or foundation to cover my skin imperfections since now they are slowly fading away after I started using this! I would say this product doesn’t need any kind of review because it’s above par than expected. It’s a blind buy honestly . I’m looking forward to buy more products and repeat this regularly henceforth.

Shruthu Nayak

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