Yashad Bhasma: A Magic Powder

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Yashad Bhasma: A Magic Powder

Nowadays, everyone wants to have flawless skin without oiliness and dryness which can also help to protect from harmful sun rays. People have now understood the need for natural products as they are less harmful than chemical-based products. It may take much time to cure the problems of skin but it helps to get beautiful skin without damaging it in a long run. There are plenty of ayurvedic gifts that can help to give us perfect skin without any damage. One of which is the Yashad Bhasma. It is made by pressing the pure zinc metal with aloe vera juice that includes the Sodhana process.


Reasons to use Yashad Bhasma

There are plenty of benefits that Yashad Bhasma gives to the body due to its nanoparticles and natural properties:

●The Sodhana process makes Bhasma safer to use on the skin as it does not affect it even when it goes into the bloodstream through the skin.

The main target of any skin product is to eliminate the cause of the problem. Thus, it helps to give a direct effect on a particular area after it absorbs through the skin.

All the skin products can only help when it enters into the skin. So, the nanoparticles of Yashad Bhasma help the skin more, as it becomes easier for it to go deeper into the skin.

It reaches the deeper most layer of muscle tissue that includes multiple layers of it. Thus, curing the problems more effectively.


Skin benefits of Yashad Bhasma

Try AMRUTAM FACE CLEAN UP with the goodness of Yashad Bhasma

Yashad Bhasma is popular as it prevents the skin from harmful sun rays. Here are some benefits for skin problems:

It protects against UVA/UVB rays which generally not all the chemical-based products do. Hence it protects from both types of harmful rays.

Its astringent properties help to regulate the oil or sebum production in the skin. Therefore, it works amazingly for acne and pimples.

It helps to prevent dark spots.

As it helps to improve the synthesis of new skin tissues and collagen. Therefore, it helps to get youthful skin by eliminating the aging of the skin.

It soaks into the surface of the skin and finds its way to the bloodstream but it does not affect the skin. Unlike any chemical-based products.

Yashad bhasma has kashaya rasa (astringent property) to close the open pores and reduce oil on the skin. Being tikta in ras gives us antimicrobial and antifungal properties. The coolness of Yashad helps to decrease the burning sensation and redness.

Health benefits of Yashad Bhasma

It contains different medicinal properties like:


Immuno-modulatory medicine




Fact: It is effective in 92.3% of sperm abnormalities like low sperm count and low mortality of sperm.

It not only helps for skin problems but it also gives us plenty of cure for different health issues due to all the medicinal properties it has:

Bhasma is useful for zinc deficiency, slow wound healing, and diarrhea in children.

If anyone has an ear infection or common cold so this can be used for the cure.

It also prevents different respiratory problems.

Beneficial for macular degeneration, night blindness, and cataract.

Diabetic patients might also take advantage of it.

It can cure malaria and other parasitic diseases.

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Side effects

All the products are harmful when it is used in excess. So, here are some risks/side effects that Yashad Bhasma can cause if consumed in excess quantity like:

Metallic taste (especially when taken with a zinc supplement)
Kidney and stomach damage


Yashad Bhasma is made up of zinc metal that goes through Dhalana, a process where molten metal is poured into liquids. Then it goes through Jaran where Yashad Bhasma is roasted with Apamarg Panchang. At last, the Bhasma is compressed with aloe vera juice which is known as Maran. Here are four steps of its preparation along with the ingredients that are used in the process:

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Dhalana- firstly the process starts with the Sodhana or purification process. It includes ingredients like Yashad, Taila, Takra, Gomutra, Kanjika, etc. After it, the metal becomes more brittle.
Jaran- secondly, the Yashad (Shuddha) and Apamarg Panchang are roasted together to get a very fine grey shining powder.
Maran- thirdly, the grey powder is mixed with purified mercury and purified sulphur to create a black powder. After it, the powder, Kumari swarasa (aloe vera juice), Nimbu swarasa (lemon juice), and Chakrikas (pellets) is pressed together.
Heating- after the powder dries up it is being stored in casseroles and then it is burnt with almost 1000 dried cow dungs. After heating it twice a yellowish colored Yashad Bhasma is finally obtained.


All the chemical-based products are unpurified and cause harmful effects in a long run. They also cause immediate health problems if used in the wrong way like eye irritation, burns, poisoning, etc that can affect the body in a very hazardous way. Yashad Bhasma is an ultimate natural substitute for all the chemical-based products. It works as a natural sunscreen that can prevent harmful sun rays. This powder also helps to eliminate different health issues due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-acid properties.

Although it can be harmful when used in excess quantity. Therefore, it can cause nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc. To avoid side effects it should be taken twice a day that is, in the morning and evening (60-125 mg). Honey goes well along with it. In conclusion, it is that magic powder that helps to cure almost all skin problems and health issues without creating any long term harm to the body.

References : A Review through Therapeutic Attributes of Yashada bhasma


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