5 Pieces of Advice on Love from 3 Decades of Marriage

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Secrets sauce of love

With just two days to go for Valentine’s Day, we’re all geared up to spread some looooove, this weekend! 

And what better way to prep for the big day than follow the good ol’ secrets of loving and receiving love? 

For this special edition of our blog, we asked our Founding Principal, Sh. Ashok Gupta to share his invaluable advice on love. We lovingly call him Amrutam Papa. :) 

Love advice | Amrutam | Valentine's Day Special

Amrutam Papa has been married to the love of his life, his soulmate Smt. Chandrakanta Gupta for over 3 decades. 

They came from a humble background, raised two talented kids and built a business to serve the society that you now know as Amrutam. 

Also read: The Five Languages of Love and Healing

Love advice from Amrutam Papa

Here are Amrutam Papa’s 5 indispensable pieces of love advice for the younger generation: 

1. Love is a symbol of devotion and dedication. Learn to sacrifice in love. The longing to get something out of love is futile. 

प्रेम एक एहसास है, जो दिमाग से नहीं दिल से होता है और इसमें अनेक भावनाओं व अलग अलग विचारो का समावेश होता है | 

(Love is a feeling, which is not from the mind but from the heart and it includes many feelings and different thoughts.)

2. Great Poet Kabir has rightly written that the love that rises and descends like the hands of a clock and changes every moment is not love. It is stability. Love is the security of commitment and the safety of finding balance. 

शास्त्रों में इस प्रेम को बसंत उत्सव बताया है। निस्वार्थ प्रेम करने वाले कहते हैं - तुम हो, तो बसंत अन्यथा सब अंत है।

(In the scriptures, this love has been described as the festival of spring. Selfless lovers say - If you are, then it is spring, otherwise everything is the end.)

Love Advice | Amrutam | Valentine's Day Special

3. Remember, two people in a relationship are like two wheels of a vehicle. Due to the harmony of both, the vehicle keeps moving functionally. The way we oil the wheels regularly, do not forget to appreciate your individual interests to maintain the harmony of your relationship. 

मनोवैज्ञानिक मानते हैं कि वास्तव में प्यार का एक मनोविज्ञान आधार होता है, जिसे समझ पाना हर किसी के लिए संभव नहीं।

(Psychologists believe that love has a psychological basis, which is not possible for everyone to understand.)

Also read: What does Ayurveda say about Self-Love?

4. According to Shrimad Bhagwat, love is the culture and basis of life. For one who has love in their life, peace comes automatically. Meditation and love are two names of almost the same experience. 

हमारे यहाँ शास्त्रों में प्रेम अनिवर्चनीय कहा गया है और उसे भक्ति का दूसरा रूप और मोक्षप्राप्ति का साधन बतलाया है।

(In our scriptures, love has been said to be indescribable and described as another form of devotion and a means of attaining salvation.)

Love Advice | Amrutam | Valentine's Day Special

5. Challenging times may come and go. They will test your patience and love. During times like these, don’t forget to support your partner and value their support in return. 

हमारे समय में प्रेम का आधार प्रेमपत्र हुआ करता था। सावन के महीने में जब वो बेलपत्र चढ़ाने आती, तो हम उसे प्रेम पत्र थमा देते थे।

(In our time, love letters used to be the basis of love. In the month of Sawan, when she used to come to offer belpatra, we used to hand over love letters to her.)

Also read: How to use Aloe Vera for Better Sex and Other Commonly Asked Questions

We hope you found these useful! :) 

PS, last two days left for our Ultimate V-Day Offer. Get Amrutam Aloe Vera Gel worth INR 449 FREE on all orders above INR 1999! 


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