It’s time of the year for hot chocolates and Christmas carol again! Friends gathering, New Year parties and season of layering is up. But amidst all this, the skin and hair are not. Winters bring along the dry skin, rough hair and dandruff. Nails feel chipped and the lips start to chap. Not the right thing when you are looking forward to a New Year kiss at the midnight.
It’s time for some winter skin preparation to make your skin glow and lips pout just the way you like it.
#1. Exfoliate
Exfoliate every second day to get rid of the dry and dead skin, especially in winters. Scrubs reduces the settling of dirt in the pores and helps eliminate dead skin. Make these easy and effective face scrubs at home and exfoliate your face, neck, and body.
- Pour some coconut oil into a bowl. Add coffee granules, coarse sugar and a little of honey. Mix them well. The mix shouldn’t be either runny or too thick to spread. Store it in a tight lid jar. You can use it as both facial and body scrub. Coconut oil is a natural antifungal ingredient and honey helps absorb and retain moisture. Coffee will help you shed that dead skin and make your skin look fresh and clear.
- Blend 4-5 almonds to a powder. Add few drops of almond oil if available or you can replace it with either castor oil or a spoon of honey. Make a paste and scrub the face once a week. It is an effective scrub for the intense dry skin. It gently polishes the skin, refines the skin texture and gives a natural sheen and softness.
- Mix well one lemon juice, sugar granules and a few drops of castor oil.
As sugar acts as a scrubber, castor oil adds moisture to the skin and lemon juice helps brighten up the skin by reducing the dark spots.
#2. Face Packs
Once the skin is exfoliated, it is important to apply a face mask to close the pores. Some easy home face mask recipes include:
- Take few spoons of lukewarm milk and add a spoon of honey to it. Apply it to the face with a cotton swab while it is still warm. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes. Splash your face first with slightly warm water and then with cold water. Don’t use a towel to rub your face, pat dry it.
- Mix a tablespoon of Aloe vera gel, 2 tablespoons of milk cream and a pinch of turmeric. Mix well and apply evenly to the face and neck. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Only Pat dry your face.
- Prepare 2 tablespoons of Gram Flour (Besan) with milk cream and few drops of rose water. Mix well and apply evenly to face and neck. Let it dry for 20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.
You can also buy our homemade Amrutam Herbal Ubtan (Face Pack)
#3. Moisturize
Moisturizing is just not important for dry skin but for all skin type. The hack is to find the right moisturizer for your skin. Also, moisturizing is equally important for your entire body like your face. Moisturizing hands and feet before going to bed is the best way to avoid cracks and dryness. There are a number of organic moisturizer range available in the market. Pick what suits you best but avoid those which are loaded with chemicals because they might make your skin lovely initially but are harmful in the long run.
#4. Hair Oil
Remember how mom always nagged you to hair your oil. Looks like she wasn’t wrong after all. The cold weather pulls out the moisture from the hair, making it look dull and unhealthy. Therefore it is important to hair oil twice a week and if possible, use lukewarm oil. It reaches the pores faster and is very relaxing after a long tiring day. You can use the basic coconut oil, almond oil or a mix of Castor-TeaTree-Argon Oil. Oiling will provide moisture to your scalp which will eventually reduce the dandruff problem. Rinse your hair with mild organic Amrutam Herbal Shampoo with no chemicals.
#5. Nail and Lip Care
Your fingernails may not need the moisture but your cuticles certainly need it. If not, cuticles dry out, crack, peel and hurt the worst. The best way to clean them is to dip a wet toothbrush into baking soda and scrub under each nail. For extra care, you can also squeeze lemon into baking soda for whitening power to the nails. Don’t always use a nail print, skip the print and let the nail breath for a day or more. Before going to bed, apply coconut oil to the nails with coconut swab to bring shine and smoothness.
For soft winter lips, apply a mix of honey and glycerin before going to bed. Honey is a great moisturizer and has healing properties. The high-fat content of milk cream also makes a great natural lip moisturizer. Apply to notice results in few days of usage.
Drink water and eat seasonal fruits. A hydrated body is a cure for good health, glowing skin, and powerful mind. So don’t forget drinking water amidst the winter wine tastings.