Surprising Benefits of Our Nari Sondarya Malt: Honest reviews from Personal Customer Conversations

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At Amrutam, we are always eager to hear from our community about their experiences with our malt. Recently, we reached out to 1,493 of our long-term consumers to understand the impact our malt has had on their lives. We were thrilled to receive responses and their feedback has been incredibly insightful. Here’s a detailed look at what our customers had to say.

Who Are Our Customers?

Our malt is popular among a diverse range of consumers, primarily from Tier 1 cities, with a significant portion being corporate employees. These individuals often lead high-stress lives and struggle to maintain a healthy diet, particularly when it comes to getting the necessary nutrients for menstrual health. Despite their busy schedules, they have turned to our malt as a potential solution.

We also have a substantial customer base in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, mostly comprised of housewives. These women generally follow a healthy diet and exercise routine but still face challenges such as irregular periods. 


What Are Customers Saying About Our Malt?

Improved Menstrual Health

One of the most significant benefits reported was the improvement in menstrual health. Most of our customers now experience cramp-free periods, a remarkable relief for many. Moreover, some users reported getting their periods within just 3-4 days of starting the malt after a delay of six months, while others noticed changes after a month of consumption. It's important to note that individual responses to the malt can vary, as every body is unique in how it reacts to herbal remedies.


Weight Loss and PCOS/PCOD Management

Our malt has also shown promising results in helping users manage weight, particularly those who have gained weight due to PCOS/PCOD concerns. Customers have shared their success stories of losing weight and regaining control over their health, which is a testament to the effectiveness of our formulation.

Increased Energy and Better Sleep

Another surprising benefit that many of our customers reported is an increase in energy levels. They felt more energized throughout the day and enjoyed peaceful sleep at night, contributing to their overall well-being.

Reduction in Facial Hair and Acne

A considerable number of users also noticed a reduction in facial hair and acne, common issues associated with hormonal imbalances. This added benefit has significantly boosted their confidence and quality of life.


Sharing some of the Success stories from our Customer’s

Reproductive Health and Hormonal Balance

One of our customers discovered our product via Instagram while looking for solutions to improve her reproductive health. After consuming 3-4 jars of our malt, she experienced regularized periods and a balanced hormonal profile. Additionally, she noticed significant improvements in her thyroid health. Stories like hers highlight the profound impact our malt can have on overall well-being.


Menopause and Joint Pain Relief

Another inspiring story comes from a customer whose mother, in the menopause stage, began consuming our malt. After just one and a half months, her mother reported increased energy levels, reduced cramps, and a noticeable reduction in joint pains. This testimonial underscores the versatility and effectiveness of our malt across different life stages and health concerns.


Teenage Health and Energy

We are delighted to hear feedback from the mother of a 17-year-old girl. Her daughter, who had been experiencing irregular periods with a delay of two months, began consuming our malt and now feels more energetic than before. Additionally, her periods have become regular. This story showcases how our malt can support the health and vitality of younger users as well.


Regulated Menstrual Cycle

Another customer shared with us her experience of already having regular periods but with occasional delays of 10-15 days. Seeking to bring her cycle back on track, she consumed one jar of our malt. After this short period of usage, she noticed her periods were consistently within her cycle, eliminating the need for further consumption of our product.



We are delighted to hear such positive feedback from our customers and are grateful for their trust in our malt. These real-life testimonials underscore our commitment to creating a product that supports overall well-being. Remember, while some may experience changes sooner, others may take a bit longer to notice significant effects. Your journey with our malt is unique, and we are here to support you every step of the way.


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