Here’s a glimpse of what happened at Amrutam last week.
What's new at Amrutam?
Keeping in mind, the last newsletters exercise, we at Amrutam decided to add something to our morning orientation calls, where we update each other about the "One thing we are looking forward to each day", and it could be anything work or personal and this brought a lot of excitement regarding that one thing and made us all happy.
So this week, we ask you to write down what you are looking forward to and experience the happiness that we did.

- Enjoy the serene monsoon moments while listening to Raag Natbhairav from our Amrutam Raga Project.
- Have you ever looked at yourself and thought I don't like how I look? Or ever thought about should look a certain way? These are a few topics we discussed in our third episode of the Rediscovering Self with Amrutam podcast, “I don’t like how I look.” with Rhea Mathews.
Product of the Week
Warding of common cold & cough since it was launched, our Amrutam Chwanprash is the product of the week because not only does it keep our community members healthy during the monsoon season while being tasty and delicious.

What we are reading:
How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Monsoons?
Everyone awaits monsoons after the scorching summers, isn’t it? Rains are loved by all from six to sixty. Some love the muddy smell of the first rains when the water drops touch the earth. That moment is such a happy moment for the soul. We love to feel the first drizzle and get drenched in the rain. But hold on; monsoons also bring a lot of seasonal changes and illnesses more.
We, as humans, living a fast-paced life, often forget the incredible things that happen inside our bodies, and we forget to be grateful for the things our organs do. Hence, let’s learn more about an organ that does more than we’ve ever thought possible. The liver is the second-largest organ and helps the human body process nutrients from food, make bile, remove toxins from the body, and build proteins. Now let’s learn a little bit about what causes liver diseases more.
Quote of the week:
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
That's it from our side, till then, toodles!