Rediscovering Ayurveda with Julie Bernier | Amrutam

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Rediscovering Ayurveda with Julie Bernier | Amrutam

Julie Bernier is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and founder of True Ayurveda based out of Los Angeles, CA.  She works with clients privately from her practice in Malibu, you can attend her group workshops, cooking classes, and yoga throughout Southern California, and she leads guided trips to India twice yearly.

Amrutam got in touch with Julie to continue rediscovering Ayurveda through different perspectives.

Let’s learn more from Julie’s ideas about Ayurveda as a lifestyle with Amrutam. #rediscoveringayurveda

What is your idea of Ayurveda?

"I started practising yoga 15 years ago, but it was many years before I had any idea that yoga was a spiritual practice — that’s an unfortunate missing aspect of American yoga. When I studied yoga in India to become a teacher and learned about Vedic philosophy, my mind was blown. I was remembering something that I had long forgotten.

Vedic wisdom feels like truth. And I couldn’t wait to learn more about Ayurveda. Since then, I’ve never stopped learning and never will."

Julie mentions that it was only when she studied Yoga in India, she realized that it was more holistic than how it was practised in the west. Ayurveda became a part of her journey when she felt the need to learn more about Vedic Philosophy and how they guide our body, mind and life in general.

What inspired you to take the path of Ayurveda, Yoga and Healthy Lifestyle?

"I came to yoga with no expectations," Julie tells Amrutam Team, "I was just accompanying a friend to her weekly yoga class.

I liked yoga enough to keep going, but then I really fell in love with the practice and how it made me feel. 

Ayurveda helped me with my own health issues and now that I know what health feels like, I can’t look back!"

Julie talks about how Ayurveda helped her fight her illness and once she knew how being healthy felt, there was no way she was to turn away from the practice of Ayurveda.

What keeps you motivated to do what you do?

"When I take care of myself through ayurvedic and yogic practices, I feel so good. I have tons of energy and a clear and happy mind — that’s the best motivation there is to keep up my self-care practices!

I can say the same for the work I do with clients. Being able to help people heal and live in healthier and happier bodies is its own motivation to continue the work that I do."

The way yoga and Ayurveda make her feel - energetic, clear and happy - is what keeps Julie motivated.

Tell us what a typical day in the life of an Ayurvedic Practitioner looks like?

Amrutam with Julie Bernier

"For me, a typical day starts with Ayurvedic Dinacharya (daily routine) and my sadhana: asana, pranayama, and meditation.

Julie sees clients during the day, sometimes in the form of consultations, sometimes in the form of Ayurvedic bodywork therapies.

She talks about what goes behind her work - "there’s a lot of preparation, cleaning, and administrative work in between — running your own business takes a lot of work!"

A very meaningful part of her schedule, that we often take for granted. Julie says - "I try to fit in a good dose of nature somewhere in my day and unwind with a mini hike with my dogs."

What are your three favourite healthy habits you practice regularly, taken from the philosophy of Ayurveda?

  1. Tongue scraping
  2. Self-abhyanga (oil massage)
  3. Eating lunch between 12 and 1!

How do you think Ayurveda and Yoga relate to one another? How do you think awareness regarding both Ayurveda and Yoga can be increased?

"My teacher says that Ayurveda is more like the mother of yoga rather than its sister science. Yoga is a part of Ayurveda, but Ayurveda is also a part of yoga. They go together and need each other."

"It’s up to Ayurvedic practitioners to increase awareness through public talks and workshops, the internet, and social media.

Everyone in the US knows about yoga, but there’s still not much awareness around Ayurveda" Julie brings out an important theme.

What is your message for all Ayurveda, Spiritual, Yoga and Healthy living enthusiast?

Challenges are opportunities for spiritual growth, so welcome them into your life. And never stop learning!

Which Amrutam product would you love to try?

Amrutam Gold Malt!


Rediscovering Ayurveda is Amrutam’s series of blogs which includes various men and women and their ideas about Ayurveda. Even though, India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, with passing time it has lost its original importance as a school of life among Indians and many a time have been limited to be referred as a school of medicine. Ayurveda is surely much more than that.

So, we at Amrutam decided to go out and find what Ayurveda means to people in the present day.
This is the twelfth article in Amrutam’s series of articles called Rediscovering Ayurveda, which aims to understand the idea or perception that modern-day men and women carry about Ayurveda.

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