How to wash your Hair: The Amrutam Way of doing it

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If you have dry hair, you should wash them once or twice a week. In case of oily hair, you should wash them every day. Before washing your hair, oil them lightly with Amrutam Kuntal Care Hair Oil and untangle your hair. Use minimal Amrutam Herbal Shampoo and spread it on your scalp lightly, while massaging the entire area, after applying Amrutam Herbal Shampoo, you should rinse your thoroughly and dry your wet hair slowly and gently. To increase circulation and volume, you should hold your head upside down.

Lustrous, shiny, healthy hair is never out of style. Healthy hair is happy hair. And, there is a lot of effort which goes behind every #goodhairday which comes in our lies. The very first step to make all your daus #goodhairdays is to start washing you hair properly.

Yes, you read it right. There is a way about how you should be washing your hair. What many consider a routine mundane act, can actually be an artistic and scientific process. There is an Amrutam process, to wash your hair and you should follow it to avoid damage to your lustrous hair, to avoid making your tresses look dull and causing hair fall.

Learn with Amrutam how to wash your hair and do it right:

#1 Untangle your Hair

In a lot of our blogs, we have mentioned the importance of untangling ourselves, mentally and same goes with our hair as well. You should untangle your hair, using a comb before washing them. Use a wide toothed comb, preferably and start with the ends of your hair and reach to your roots slowly.

#2 Apply Oil/Kuntal Care Hair Spa to your Hair before a wash

According to Ayurveda, it is essential to you apply Amrutam Kuntal Care Hair Oil before washing your hair. Especially on days, when you plan to use Amrutam Herbal Shampoo, you should oil them nicely and gently with Amrutam Kuntal Care Hair Oil.

Applying Amrutam Kuntal Care hair oil will also work as a nice relaxing massage, where you will massage your scalp and your hair till the tip. You should leave your scalp and hair, for fifteen minutes with Amrutam Kuntal Care Hair Oil before washing them with Amrutam Herbal Shampoo.

Kuntal Care Hair Spa is  a do-it-yourself hair mask for revitalizing and strengthening of your hair.

This hair spa contains Triphla, Bhringraj, Eucalyptus oil,Balchhad, and Kapoor kachhari. Revitalizes your scalp and helps in strengthening of hair roots. Useful in stopping hair loss, helps hair re-growth and keeps your hair healthy and black.

Bhringraj stimulates hair growth and prevents hair greying. Kapoor kachhari makes your hair look beautiful, and also, is useful for scalp and hair care. Balchhad improves blood circulation in the scalp, thereby, reducing hair whitening.

#3 Wash with just water on most days

If you like washing your hair every day, then you should wash them just water. After applying Amrutam Kuntal Care Hair Oil, rinse your hair with warm water and a final rinse with cold water. Allow your hair to dry naturally and use a soft towel to absorb the excess of water.

#4 Cleanse your hair gently on Shampoo days

On days when you have decided to shampoo your hair, take a teaspoonful of Amrutam Herbal shampoo in your palm, mix it with a few drops of water, and apply it gently with your scalp, massage it on your scalp, nice and slowly. You should avoid applying shampoo on the length of your hair, as it will leave your hair dry.

Amrutam Herbal Shampoo (Kuntal Care Herbal Shampoo or Bhringraj Hair Therapy)  is filled with nutrients and key ingredients like Bhringraj to stimulate hair growth and prevents hair graying, Kapoor kachhari for making your hair look beautiful, and also,it is useful for scalp and hair care, Balchhad improves blood circulation in the scalp, thereby, reducing hair whitening.

#5 Rinse Thoroughly

After shampooing, rinse your hair clean with water to remove all the shampoo foam in the hair. This is a very important, to ensure your healthy hair.

#6 Avoid Blow Drying your Hair

You should avoid blow drying your hair and let them dry naturally. Our hairs are covered with structures known as cuticles which are layers of protein to protect our hair from damage. Blow Drying can damage the cuticles and make our hair vulnerable to damage as the blow dryer’s heat can damage the cuticles.


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अब कम उम्र वाली महिलाएं भी हो रही हैं, संतान सुख से वंचित।  क्या हैं कारण, लक्षण और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार?
अब कम उम्र वाली महिलाएं भी हो रही हैं, संतान सुख से वंचित। क्या हैं कारण, लक्षण और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार?
आंखों के लिए एक चमत्कारी माल्ट और नेत्र रोग नाशक दुर्लभ वैदिक मंत्र, जो 25 प्रकार के नेत्रदोष दूर करता है।
आंखों के लिए एक चमत्कारी माल्ट और नेत्र रोग नाशक दुर्लभ वैदिक मंत्र, जो 25 प्रकार के नेत्रदोष दूर करता है।
दांतों की सड़न (पायरिया रोग), हिलना, टूटना, जड़े कमजोर होना आदि दंत विकारों का आयुर्वेद में चमत्कारी चिकित्सा है।
दांतों की सड़न (पायरिया रोग), हिलना, टूटना, जड़े कमजोर होना आदि दंत विकारों का आयुर्वेद में चमत्कारी चिकित्सा है।
सिर में दर्द रहता है। क्या आप डिप्रेशन, डिमेंशिया, दिमागी परेशानी से भयभीत हैं, तो इस अध्यात्मिक ब्लॉग को पढ़िए!
सिर में दर्द रहता है। क्या आप डिप्रेशन, डिमेंशिया, दिमागी परेशानी से भयभीत हैं, तो इस अध्यात्मिक ब्लॉग को पढ़िए!

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