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Let's shift from a linear economy to a Circular Economy!

Ayurveda is all about Dharana and Dharma, both Sanskrit words denoting a sustainable complex of life and living: the first within the organism itself and the second within society and the world. Ayurveda is almost – in a positive sense – preoccupied with ‘sustaining life’: as a science, it focuses on preserving life down to the cellular level of each living organism, and first and foremost of human beings.
In the Ayurvedic system, every part of the environment is given importance which makes the optimum utilization of natural resources from Daily usage to the Drug. For example, neem-plant is used for twigs, tooth brushing, and tongue cleaning; Leaves-for medicating the bathing water. Seed oil is used for external applications over the scalp for healthy hair, etc.
Our Initiatives to Reduce Carbon Footprint:
At Amrutam, we talk about both inner and outer aspects of health and beauty. Taking care of our environment adds to our wellness, as per Vedic texts which define Amrutam core values.
To do our bit for a sustainable life, here are a few things we are doing as a wellness community:
Our landfills are a graveyard for old, plastic toothbrushes and empty toothpaste tubes. To replace it, we have introduced Dentkey Manjan, a 100% natural teeth cleanser that comes in a glass jar, along with a Bamboo toothbrush and Bamboo tongue cleaner.
At the very heart of our manufacturing, we make sure we use every part of our stock material after the main product is prepared. As all the ingredients we use are sourced from the earth, they are all biodegradable and easily decomposable. A large part of our residual waste is used to make manure for our herbal farm, as well as we made dhoop cones out of it, too. You can order those dhoop cones from the website as well. We use glass jars for all our malts.
Usage of chemical-based products has a long term impact on our soil and water bodies. These toxins are flushed out of our washbasin into rivers and oceans, becoming deadly for marine life. Amrutam products are 100% ayurvedic, and each ingredient used has only benefits even in its waste form is food to our soil, making it more fertile.
Lastly, Amrutam has been running a recycle and reuse programme. We use our newsletters to engage our 1,00,000+ Amrutam family members under the #AmrutamRecycle project initiative. We urge them to collect five or more empty bottles and jars. We pick it up completely FREE of cost and then take them in a recycling ritual.
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- Offer is valid on 5th June 2021 only