Eucalyptus and its wonder oil

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Ayurveda has given us multiple gifts from mother nature and all of them hold goodness that can heal our body, mind, and soul. One of which is Eucalyptus, I bet you all have seen its tree but have you ever thought about the benefits that it gives to us? Well, now you all can know the surprises that this tall tree has.

Kingdom Plantae
Family Myrtaceae
Genus Eucalyptus
Originally from Australia
Common name Gum tree

The bark to this tree is either smooth, fibrous, hard or stringy, its leaves have oil glands in it and the fruits of this plant is commonly known as gumnut. Depending on the place its size varies from a shrub to a tree, but in India, it is mostly seen as a tree.

Fun Fact: Every year an additional layer adds to its bark and the outermost layer dies.

Wonder oil for wonderful hair

The most important thing that this tree has, comes from its leaves after it is dried, crushes, and distilled which is the oil that has 90% eucalyptol in it that helps in making hair strong and healthy.

Try out our Kuntal Care Hair oil enriched with the goodness of eucalyptus oil!

Here are some benefits that one can use from the oil:
  • If you have head lice you can use the oil as it has anti-bacterial properties. To get an effective result, mix the oil with few drops of lemon tea tree oil.
  • It also helps with the problem of the itchy scalp as it has cooling properties in it due to methanol which is present in the oil.
  • When you use its oil, it improves blood circulation and it is a must for your hair growth.
  • Due to its antifungal, it also reduces dandruff from hair which becomes a problem, especially during winters.
  • The oil also contains ceramide that holds the moisture in the scalp and restores the shine. One can also dilute it with some other oil like almond oil.
  • This oil also helps in removing piedra which is a fungal infection that creates nodules on the scalp/hair shafts that result in easy breakage of the hair and then person faces the problem of hair loss.

Oil benefits for the body

This oil is not only beneficial for hair but it also works amazingly for the body and mind. Due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, it helps to fight against germs. Its aroma also helps to relieve stress.

Here are some benefits of the oil for a fit body:
  • Can cure bad breath - the ultimate usage of the oil is curing bad breath. Due to its antibacterial properties, it helps in fighting the germs that create a bad odor in the mouth.
  • Reduces bronchitis - when eucalyptus oil is mixed with the extracts of pine and some lime it can cure or reduce bronchitis.
  • Reduces dental plaque - it is believed that eucalyptus extract or oil can reduce the risk of dental plaque due to its anti-plaque and anti-bacterial properties.
  • Helps in asthma - as eucalyptol is present in its oil it is also beneficial for asthma as it might be able to break mucous.

Relieves headache - it also helps in headache as it opens up the nasal passages and clears the sinuses. If it is mixed with peppermint oil and ethanol it can be so effective for headaches.

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  • Antimicrobial - due to its antimicrobial properties it helps to clear out the face from pimples or acnes.
  • Treat dry skin - its oil helps in getting moisture to the skin as it increases the content of ceramics which is a fatty acid, that is responsible for retaining skin moisture.
  • Reduces Vata - if you face the problem of increased Vata dosha you can try out this oil as it increases the Pitta dosha and helps in balancing all the doshas.

Interested to learn more about Ayurveda & Colors? Balance out your doshas with the help of colors!

Keeps mosquitoes away - this oil contains PMD which helps in keeping the mosquitoes away. In a study, it is shown that lemon eucalyptus oil can keep the mosquitoes away for at least 3 hours.



Eucalyptus has all the benefits for healthy and strong hair. Just apply its oil on your hair by diluting it with some other oil leave it for 30 minutes and wash it with any shampoo. As now you know all the health usage of it, you can now use it for any respiratory problems, one can even have a calm mind with its aroma especially when it is mixed with lavender. With all these wonders now anyone can lead a fit life.



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