9 Ayurvedic Influencer Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow NOW

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With the faster-than-light reach of social media platforms, it has become easier to share informative content with the global community. Thanks to the Internet, people from all over the world are now finally learning about the rich culture and ancient sciences that India has offered to its people for centuries! In an attempt to share this magical philosophy that has changed so many people’s lives, here are 9 Indian Ayurvedic Instagram Accounts and Influencers who have made it their life’s mission to spread the good word about Ayurveda!

#1 Amrita Kaur (@amritaoflife)

If you’re new to the world of Ayurveda, Amrita Kaur’s Instagram is your entry door to the vast Universe of ancient wellness! A Radio Jockey turned a full-time Food Content Creator & Ayurvedic Chef, Amrita’s profile is a hub of recipes to exotic (yet simple) foods and videos on how to inculcate Ayurvedic habits in today’s fast-paced life. Her motivation to ignite dialogue about Ayurveda stems from her quality to constantly learn new things every day!

“I am a learner and am learning every single day. My strength lies in packaging important information in a beautiful way and backing it with logic and relevance! I always try to ensure that the content I am sharing can be applied by today’s generation without having to go out of their way to lead a healthier life!”

Amrita loves to follow accounts that share traditional recipes customized to modern needs. Her current favorite IG accounts are @sangeetakhanna & @skoranne!

#2 Nidhi Pandya (@my_ayurvedic_life)

Nidhi Pandya is a 3rd Generation Ayurveda Practitioner & Lifestyle Consultant and Educator. She grew up in a family that encouraged Ayurvedic lifestyle which is what led her to pursue Ayurveda professionally. Her IG is full of amazing tips that require little to no effort!

Ayurvedic Influencers on Instagram | Amrutam

“I work hard to spread the message of Ayurveda because it is the only real science I know. It understands the principles of the Universe and how they apply to the human body in a way that no other science can. However, Ayurveda today has lost its essence. It has become more about prescription of herbs and dogmatic practices. I want to bring back the original principle of this universal and timeless science.”

Nidhi’s favourite wellness IG account is @the.holistic.psychologist, as she believes that wellness begins in the mind first. And Dr. Nicole LePera provides simple tools and insights into how one can explore their mind and rise above it.

#3 Dr. Aiswarya Santhosh (@ayurvedic_healing)

Dr. Aiswarya Santhosh is a student of Ayurveda from Kerala. After joining college, she realized that some of the practices mentioned in Dincharya & Ritucharya of Ashtanga Hrdaya were practiced in her home which encouraged her to take a deeper interest in the Ayurvedic philosophy!

“Ayurveda is not just my stream of education but also my lifestyle! I believe that by routinely following the simplest and the most basic of Ayurvedic habits can change our whole lives. We will not only be able to prevent ailments but also maintain swasthya (good health)!”

#4 Naina Bajaria (@nainaayurveda)

Naina Bajaria is a professional Ayurvedic Consultant who is fuelled by nature, art, and positive vibes! On her IG, you can find her sharing informative content about ancient wellness and its relevance in the contemporary world! When asked about what keeps her motivated, she says:

Ayurvedic Influencer Naina Bajaria on Instagram

“Because I see a need and Ayurveda fulfils that need. People have been accustomed to a limited view on health and wellbeing and it is time it expanded and opened up! Mainly it is the unnecessary suffering of others and spreading some higher truth on what life is according to Vedas that encourages me the most to create a dialogue.”

Her favorite IG account is @parogoodearth, mostly because of all the positivity they have to offer and the lovely articles they share!

#5 Dr. Dixa Bhavsar (@drdixa_healingsouls)

Dr. Dixa Bhavsar is an Ayurvedic doctor who has experienced the magical benefits of this lifestyle first-hand! Ayurveda, she says, not just confined to a few herbs and pills. Ayurveda originated from India and has been a mainstream school of medicine for the longest time. Legends like Ramayana & Mahabharata also mention Ayurveda!

“I want everybody, around me and far across, to know about Ayurveda. For the past couple of decades, people have been developing wrong notions of it. All I want for people is to understand how Ayurveda actually functions. And all the magical ways in which it can improve our mental health, boost immunity, treat allergies and a lot more!”

Dixa’s favorite wellness Instagrammer is @luke_coutinho. She adores his motto of eating smart, breathing deep, moving more, and sleeping right!

#6 Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra (@drvaralakshmi)

Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra is an Ayurveda Health Coach and the director of AyurWellness, an Ayurveda Therapy Centre in Birmingham. She loves sharing Ayurvedic plant-based recipes on her Instagram and tips on treating gut & chronic pain. The main force the motivates Varalakshmi is her deep desire to help individuals achieve optimal wellbeing and gut health!

“Ayurveda is a science of self-awareness and is extremely valuable for the fast-paced life that we lead. It has the right kind of tools and practices that anyone can adapt to lead a healthy life.”

Varalakshmi loves to follow @jasminehemsley on IG! Jasmine, she says, is an amazing person and warm soul who is spreading the word about Ayurveda in the west! Kudos to her for being an eco-warrior!

#7 Fehreen Ali (@ayurvedicteaologist)

Fehreen Ali grew up in a tea-drinking culture wherein she inculcated a deep love for teas and nature. She admits to being a lifelong student of Ayurveda and curates recipes to help people live a long and optimal life!

“It’s been a passion since my late teens. First, with my love of Ayurvedic spa and then studying Ayurvedic medicine. It’s been a long journey and only now people are starting to embrace it! I feel there is an urgency in today’s climate to rediscover ancestral healing!”

Fehreen follows a bunch of Wellness Instagrammers but her favorite is @pureishvari as she shared a similar passion for Ayurveda!

#8 Suchi & Hansa (@somethingholistic)

Suchi & Hansa are certified Holistic Practitioners whose lives improved dramatically when they resorted to an Ayurvedic lifestyle! Whether it’s knowing what foods we shouldn’t combine, treating our children’s insomnia or instilling a grounding morning routine to reduce anxiety in this unsettling quarantine – Ayurveda has enhanced their mental and physical wellbeing!

“Above all, we aim to share this vast knowledge to help others by sharing simple and practical tips on Instagram and during our workshops! To see how intuitive and natural it is to apply, really helps people gravitate towards these ancient sciences organically!”

Their favorite Instagrammer is @deliciousyella! The way she grew her business from a blog is truly motivating for Suchi & Hansa! Moreover, her recipes are not only delicious but also super easy to adapt to follow Ayurvedic food incompatibilities!

#9 Suchita Vaswani (@suchita.samkhyaaryurveda)

Inspired by “Samkhya” meaning the realization of truth, Suchita Vaswani is a natural living enthusiast who incorporates Ayurvedic principles in her day to day life. Her profile is full of informative content ranging from simple recipes to basic Ayurveda do’s & don’t’s!

“The philosophy of Ayurveda is a magical one and once you understand the concepts, it becomes common sense and so easy to implement into your daily life. I feel that not enough people are aware of the fact that by making small changes and following simple steps it can truly transform your health and wellbeing. I would like to spread that message and share the knowledge to benefit others.”

If you are exploring Ayurveda or wish to delve deeper into it, this is your chance to broaden your horizons! These Ayurvedic Instagram Accounts will help you get closer to your roots and find ways to get to know your body better than ever!

Tony Robbins said – the human body is the best picture of the human soul, and to be able to nurture our bodies in the most natural and holistic ways will only happen when we follow the right principles! After all, #HealthIsBeauty!


1 thought on “9 Ayurvedic Influencer Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow NOW


I am general practitioner

January 23, 2025 at 07:38am

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