Cosmetic Beauty from an Ayurvedic Lens

Let's understand the cosmetic beauty from an Ayurvedic lens.

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Cosmetic Beauty from an Ayurvedic Lens

Instagram filters have created unrealistic beauty standards. They resemble a smokescreen, which conceals reality and creates an illusion of perfectionism. Consequently, we started tailoring ourselves accordingly and never noticed that the desire to fit in comes at an unspoken cost—losing who we are. This makes it even more important for us to redefine beauty. According to Ayurveda, beauty in its true sense is defined as “Roopam (Outer Beauty), Gunam (Inner Beauty), Vayastyag (The Lasting Beauty), iti shubhanga karanam.” The philosophy of Ayurveda views beauty as a stratification of these three pillars. One without another is fragmented, and this teaches us to look beyond skin color or texture.


Roopam or roop are used to describe the external charm of a being. It is a manifestation of our diet and lifestyle that reflects the balance of doshas on the inside.


The amalgamation of empathy, compassion, warmth, ideas, mental health, and personality traits together resemble inner beauty. It is something we must constantly keep working upon through corrective actions. Gunam is responsible for the creation of your perception in others’ minds.


Lasting beauty refers to the feeling of liveliness. It’s a measure of the passionate youth still burning inside you. Vayastyag isn’t about how old you look, it’s about how young you feel within.

Oftentimes, we forget to retain a balance between them and tip on one side of the seesaw instead. The Ayurvedic preaching of Gunam and Vayastyag shouldn’t undermine the importance of Roopam. Taking care of our outward appearance emphasizes the fact that we’re worthy of our time and energy. Self-care creates a self-image, and creating a great self-image is pivotal in relation to how we feel about ourselves. When we realize our self-worth, it exudes confidence. This positive energy drives our physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

But all the self-care routines seem like too much, right? How do we make time for these when we’re barely making it through heaps of deadlines? We were thinking the same thing until we came across the cosmetic effects of Dincharya.

Cosmetic Effects of Dincharya

In Ayurveda, the daily regimen is emphasized a lot to maintain psychological and physiological health. The Chapter on Dincharya in Brihatrayies emphasizes the cosmetic effects of this lifestyle change.The Acharyas have highlighted these cosmetic effects in a separate chapter for Dincharya in Brihatrayies. These effects are a result of lifestyle changes and hence are enduring. The various sub-routines of Dincarya are described here categorically. Let’s try to understand them!

Facial care

Mukhasodhana refers to the removal of dirt from the facial regions and helps maintain facial structures. Mukha Prakshalana (washing the face) first thing in the morning removes Neelika (blue moles), Pitaka (acne vulgaris), and Vyanga (facial melanosis). It has a cooling effect on the eyes and removes dust particles from the face and skin, which makes them appear shiny and soft. Water hydrates the skin and prevents it from becoming dry. Raw milk can also exhibit promising results!


Danta dhavaana (brushing) with neem twigs or ayurvedic toothpaste cleans oral dirt. It gives Sugandha (a good smell) to your breath. Amrutam’s Dentkey Manjan is an authentic Ayurvedic formulation with Akarkara, Akhrot, and Babool. Herbal medicinal plants like Khadira, Long, Samudra Fen, Phitkari, and Marich in Dentkey Manjan are useful in treating oral diseases and ailments. Jihwanirlekhana (tongue scraping) with a silver, copper, or brass tongue scraper protects our mouth from bacterial invasion. And with Gandusha & Kavala (oil pulling), the muscles of the cheeks and face are tightened. Taila (oils), Payaha (milk), Madhu (honey), or Ushnodakam (lukewarm water) can be used for this purpose. Additionally, they also provide firmness to the teeth and remove stiffness in the mouth.


The benefits of Anjana (application of collyrium) have been mentioned by Acharya Charaka. He explains the benefits of Souviranjana (collyrium) by stating its qualities of promoting vision clarity and shiny eyes. Souviranjana should be applied daily, whereas Rasanjana (mercurial collyrium) should be applied once a week to drive out Kapha and debris. Myriad eye diseases can be prevented with this regimen. Adding to that, Anjana provides relief from pain, burning, and itchy eyes. Surma can be used on a daily basis to achieve Anjana’s cosmetic effect.

Netra Prakshalana (Eyewash) with the juice of Indian gooseberry or cold water fights diseases caused by Pitta and Rakta. It soothes and moisturizes the eyes. These cosmetic effects aren’t superficial like those of makeup. They penetrate through the nerves and fortify the supply of optical arteries, which ensure a peculiar shine to the eyes.

Also Read: Eye Health in the Modern Day and Age


Performing Abhyanga with essential oils averts fatigue, agedness, and accumulated Vata. Essential oils seep into the skin to provide healthy and nourished skin. Amrutam’s Poshak Key Massage Oil is a 100% herbal skin treatment. This authentic Ayurvedic formulation is a combination of olive oil, almond oil, and Manjistha that treats and reverses irritated skin and promotes its overall health. Relaxation through abhyanga induces good sleep and restores the natural serenity of the face. For thorough nourishment of the skin, the Vedas have guided us to perform abhyanga for approximately 2.5 minutes. Individuals prone to stress and anxiety, i.e., those with heightened Vata dosha, should have Abhyanga performed 4-5 times per week.

Also Read: How to perform Abhyanga

Udvartana (powder massage) is an ayurvedic massage that involves massaging with Ubtan in one direction—from downward to upward. Amrutam Chandan is best suited for this purpose. It is an Ayurvedic blend of Chandan, Kumkum, and Kesar calms the nervous system and activates the minor chakras of the body. It reopens blocked vessels in the body and ensures an unresisted flow of nutrients in the body. Udvartana also helps get rid of foul smells and the disagreeable feeling caused by sweat.

Snana (bath) is a purification ritual performed after Abhyanga, Vyayam, and Udvartana to relieve stress and fatigue. The best time for Snana is just before sunrise or just after sunset. Warm water bathing (Ushnodaka) is highly recommended.


Oiling the head (Murdhataila) twice or thrice a week prevents hair fall, premature greying, and strengthens the hair follicles. The best time window to do this is before you sleep. It is critical to apply the Taila (oil) to the scalp rather than the hair. This ensures an easy passage for oil to penetrate the scalp skin, which in turn pacifies accumulated Vata and Pitta.

Also Read: The Benefits Of Onion Oil For Hair


A well-nourished diet ensures that the body is being fed with its fuel. Upon assimilation, these nutrients are responsible for sharp intellect, a healthy physique, joy, and inner satisfaction. Ayurveda circles around diet and digestion. Not only that, but it also has customized diet plans based on your dominant dosha. Ahara is the most important of all, because, as they say, “you are what you eat!”

Dincharya is a doable regimen designed to cater to all our needs. When followed religiously, it has nothing but the best to offer us! Starting with a completely new routine might not seem practical, but we can always start with one habit and cumulatively keep adding others to it. 😊

Acknowledging the importance of Dincharya is the first step to change, and we’ve already made it through step one! So let’s gear up and embark on the journey of self-improvement together!



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