Surprisingly Common Menstrual Problems and How to Tackle Them

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Managing your menstrual health while managing your work and life can be tough. But by knowing what all women go through, you can prepare for it using Ayurvedic techniques and diet recommendations. Whether it’s small changes to food or bigger ones like your daily routine, let’s make menstrual health a smooth sailing.

Menstrual Health in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle is a mirror to a woman’s overall health. The three doshas—Vata, Pitta and Kapha govern the cycle. Each dosha has a specific role in menstrual health:

  • Vata: Governs movement and flow, including blood circulation and menstrual flow.
  • Pitta: Manages transformation, including hormonal balance and metabolism.
  • Kapha: Provides structure and stability, influences reproductive tissues and fluids.

A balanced menstrual cycle means harmony among these doshas, imbalance means various menstrual issues.

Menstrual Issues

  1. PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
    • Description and Symptoms: Irregular periods, high androgen levels, polycystic ovaries.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Caused by Kapha imbalance leading to metabolic disturbances and hormonal irregularities.
  2. PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)
    • Description and Symptoms: Irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, acne, infertility.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Linked to both Kapha and Vata imbalances, irregular ovulation and cyst formation.
  3. Dysmenorrhea (Period Pain)
    • Description and Symptoms: Severe cramps, lower back pain, nausea, headaches.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Caused by Vata imbalance leading to dryness and spasms in the body.
  4. Menorrhagia (Heavy Periods)
    • Description and Symptoms: Excessive bleeding for more days than usual.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Typically due to Pitta imbalance, excessive heat and inflammation.
  5. Amenorrhea (No Periods)
    • Description and Symptoms: Missing one or more periods.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Caused by Vata or Kapha imbalance, obstruction and stagnation.
  6. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
    • Description and Symptoms: Mood swings, bloating, fatigue, irritability before periods.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Linked to hormonal imbalances influenced by the doshas.
  7. Irregular Periods
    • Description and Symptoms: Variability in length and flow of periods.
    • Ayurvedic Perspective: Often due to Vata imbalance, inconsistency in the cycle.

So What Can You Do?

Practised Ayurvedic experts have many solutions for how to improve your menstrual health. Here’s a list to get you in shape and reduce the chances of issues.

Basti (Medicated Enemas)

  • Description: Basti is administering medicated oils or herbal decoctions through the rectum. This is particularly good for Vata disorders which underlie menstrual issues.
  • Benefits: Regulates menstrual cycle, reduces cramps, improves digestion.
  • Procedure: Done under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.


  • Description: Shirodhara is a continuous stream of warm oil, milk or water poured over the forehead, especially on the third eye area.
  • Benefits: Rejuvenates the nervous system and stress induced menstrual disorders.
  • Procedure: Done in a peaceful environment for 30-60 minutes. You can customize the treatment with different oils as per your individual needs.


  • Description: Pranayama is breath regulation. It’s a powerful tool for balancing the doshas and overall health.
  • Techniques:
    • Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing): Balances left and right brain and calms the mind.
    • Bhramari (Bee Breath): Reduces stress and anxiety, good for PMS symptoms.
    • Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath): Energises the body and improves digestion.
  • Benefits: Increases Prana (life force), balances doshas, reduces stress and improves hormonal function.


  • Description: Panchakarma is a full body detox and rejuvenation program in Ayurveda, consisting of 5 treatments: Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal administration), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting).
  • Benefits: Prepares the body for deep nourishment and rejuvenation, clears toxins and clarity and grounding in mental, spiritual and emotional spheres.
  • Procedure: Requires supervision by an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner and is done in a special setting over several days or weeks.


  • Description: Having a daily routine, or Dincharya, keeps the body in sync with natural cycles and grounds your energy.
  • Key Practices:
    • Morning Routine: Wake up early, scrape your tongue, drink warm water, do yoga or exercise and meditate.
    • Meal Times: Eat at the same time every day, focus on a balanced diet.
    • Evening Routine: Wind down with calming activities, no screens and go to bed early.
  • Benefits: Regulates the body’s internal clock, improves digestion, reduces stress and overall well-being.
  • You can also consume Nari Sondarya Malt, as it balances hormones, improves skin [facial hair, acne breakouts] and hair [thinning, hair loss], balances libido. Helps with mood swings.

When to See a Practitioner

See a  Ayurvedic practitioner if:

  • Symptoms are severe or getting worse.
  • The menstrual cycle has changed significantly.
  • Feeling extremely fatigued, fainting or severe pain.

Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized care. Ayurvedic treatments combined with a healthy lifestyle will give you complete care.

Menstrual issues in Ayurveda is all about balance. Dietary adjustments, herbal remedies and lifestyle changes. By understanding your body and the doshas you can get better menstrual health and overall well-being. Comment below and let’s support each other on this journey to wellness.

When to Seek Professional Help

It’s important to seek professional help if:

  • Symptoms are severe or worsening.
  • There is a significant change in the menstrual cycle.
  • You experience extreme fatigue, fainting, or severe pain.

Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalised care. Combining Ayurvedic treatments with a healthy lifestyle can provide comprehensive care.

Addressing menstrual issues through Ayurveda involves a balanced approach that includes dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes. By understanding your body’s unique needs and the influence of the doshas, you can achieve better menstrual health and overall well-being. Share your experiences and questions in the comments below, and let’s support each other on this journey to better health.


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