Here's a glimpse of what happened at Amrutam last week!
What’s new at Amrutam
- Today is the LAST DAY of the five-day Holi FLASH SALE! Get Amrutam Travel Essentials Luxury Kit FREE on all orders above INR 4,000! Go hurry!!
- Did you hear that under Amrutam Sadasya Membership, you get EXCLUSIVE benefits like free monthly consultations with our Ayurvedic Doctors at Amrutam.Global, early trials and feedback for brand new recipes and FREE DELIVERY on all orders regardless of the amount? Register before 30th March!
- The season of Spring i.e., Vasant Ritu is here! With all the indulgences of winter, spring is that time of the year where we need to take special care of ourselves and introduce certain modifications to welcome the change of seasons with open arms! Here’s what Ayurveda says about the changes of Vasant Ritu!
- Tesu, Semal or Red Silk Cotton Tree – with its distinct names, this beautiful scarlet flower has special significance during the spring season. In ancient times, people played Holi with herbal colours made from this flower. Sometimes, the flowers are so bright, it looks like the forest is on fire! Check out some interesting facts about Semal flowers here!
- With Holi right around the corner and its enticing colours, it is important to remember to look after our hair, skin and overall health! Here are some amazing Ayurvedic hacks for you to celebrate this Holi!
A quote we like
- “You’re doubting yourself again. Stop that”
Amrutam recognitions
- We are always so thrilled to know that the magic of Ayurveda is reaching far and beyond and helping people attain optimal health and wellness! So happy to share with you that we were recently featured in
- Travel & Leisure, Feb 2021
- Femina Online
- Business World Online
- iDiva Online
- Pinkvilla Online
- Grazia Online
- Lifestyle Asia
- Aside the above features, celebrities like Rochelle Rao, Kirti Kulhari, Sonal Chauhan, and Aahana Kumra! Check it out here!
Articles you might enjoy reading
- The Ayurvedic View of Corona and its Vaccine
- The Human race has progressed to a state wherein we have almost doubled our average life expectancy over the course of just one century. The average worldwide human life expectancy in 1900 was 46-48 years. 110 years later, the average life expectancy increased to 60-71 years. Advancements in Medical Technology have made this possible. Great strides in medicines, especially immunization techniques and vaccinations, are key factors in the process of increasing longevity. However, we need to understand that while vaccines have their place in society and are generally accepted as a standard procedure, it is still an artificial means of increasing immunity.

- योग, आयुर्वेद और भगवान शिव
- भारतीय संस्कृति में ईश्वर को मूलतः मानवीय क्षमताओं और आदर्शों की सर्वोत्तम अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में देखा जाता है। इसका अर्थ है कि जो कुछ मानवीय है वही ईश्वरीय भी है, हमारे भगवान भी उन सब समस्याओं से जूझते हैं जिनसे एक आम इंसान जूझता है। सर्दियाँ आने पर मन्दिरों में भगवान को गर्म कपडे पहनाये जाते हैं, हमारे भगवान् बीमार भी होते हैं जगन्नाथ पुरी मंदिर में ऐसी परम्परा है कि भगवान जगन्नाथ को बुखार आता है और वे इस कारण कुछ दिनों तक आराम करते हैं, इस दौरान मंदिर के पट बंद रहते हैं। ऐसे अनेक उदहारण हमारे धर्मग्रंथों और लोक साहित्य में उपलब्ध हैं जिसमे इश्वर को मानवीय रूप में दिखाया गया है।
Creations under #AmrutamFamily project
- Here’s a lovely review of Amrutam Herbal Ubtan and Aloe Vera Gel by Rajitha Kaveli @newglowinthecity.
- PS, have you participated in the #KuntalCareHairMarathon yet?! Check out the hashtag and tag @amrutamofficial to be featured!
That's all for this week at Amrutam!