Rediscovering Ayurveda with Muskan Soni

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In this week's article of our Rediscovering Ayurveda series, we interviewed Muskan. She is currently studying Ayurveda and is also an active health blogger. You can check out her Instagram handle here: @ahealertobe 

Let's read about Muskan's journey and how it began.

How did you start your journey as an Ayurveda practitioner?

Well, you all will know a typical Indian medical aspirant, wanting to chase the MBBS? All the high hopes and lots of struggle. I didn’t make it.

I didn’t make it to MBSS and that’s how I Ayurveda came to my life. I never in my life expected to be where I am right now, on the journey of becoming an Ayurvedic consultant.

To be very honest, I have always been a very rebellious child and in my first year, I didn’t pay attention to the course, because well, I didn’t get to pursue MBBS.

And suddenly, one day it struck me, that there is no going back from this journey. I am going to live with this for at least next 5.5 years, so I might as well accept the reality. That was exactly when I came across the glorious, beautiful Ayurveda.|

I started paying attention to what all these Vedic books are trying to teach me. I have always been a Nature seeker, a curious kid, always wondering the relationship between mind, body, spirit and universe. Well, could anyone get so lucky to have landed in an academic course, that answers all these curiosity filled questions? I have! Today being second year medical student, I have become a complete follower of Ayurveda, and aspire to introduce it into many people’s lives; hence the blogging and a page all dedicated to Ayurveda.

What inspired you to take the path of Ayurveda?

Apart from what I stated above, during my first year, I had many experiences that lead to just one conclusion, TO START BELIEVING IN AYURVEDA without questioning its worth. Inspiration for taking the path of Ayurveda wasn’t all of a sudden, it all came from many ups and downs and trial and errors. My professors had a great role in making me believe in Ayurveda though. For instance, I met with an accident and my professors kept advising me to take Ayurvedic medicine, but I denied. Until my wound got worse and I was suffering from that injury for more than a month then. Finally, I accepted the advice of my professor and started applying whatever he asked for. The wound got healed within a week!! So this is just one example of how I got inspired to take the path of Ayurveda.

What keeps you motivated to do what you do?

The peace and satisfaction I receive!

Tell us what a typical day in the life of an Ayurveda practitioner looks like?

I try to incorporate Dinacharya as much as I can.

I start my day early, usually during sunrise, followed by gentle yoga flow, journaling and meditation.

Majority of my day is spent in college hours and learning and library. So when I come back, I need to unwind.
Evenings are my favourite part of the day as I dance out mostly, as a part of the workout and meditate again and try to witness the sunset.

I also try to maintain my doshic clock when it comes to having meals. A light breakfast, heaviest meal of the day during lunch (pitta time), and a light meal just after sunset.

What are your three favorite healthy habits you practice regularly, taken from the philosophy of Ayurveda?

I've tried adapting an entirely natural lifestyle lately.

I started having a better understanding of human biological clock.

Simple habits like not consuming anything heavy at night or to prevent sleeping during day time.

Second habit that I adapted is to start living sattvic life, from food to thoughts, I try to consume all sattvic.

Third, I swapped all chemical-filled products to natural products. For example, simple basic products like facewash and toothpaste.

Rediscovering Ayurveda with Muskan Soni

How do you think Ayurveda and Yoga relate to one another? How can the awareness of both be increased?

Our Vedas state that the ultimate aim of human is Moksha (salvation). Ayurveda and Yoga are called sister science for a reason, and that being, both of them draws us towards that one path, Moksha, along with making us aware of ourselves and this Universe while practising it.
There are a million ways we can increase awareness about Ayurveda and Yoga, one of them which we are already using; social media. It is human tendency to get drawn towards what’s shown to them again and again. Let’s campaign more! Let’s talk more about Ayurveda and Yoga! Also, thank you Amrutam Family for starting this beautiful series of #RediscoveringAyurveda. One of the finest steps being taken to increase awareness, was by our PM Narendra Modi, by announcing 21st June as World Yoga Day. We all can continue to show people the before and after results. We can interview people who follow this lifestyle. And much much more.

What is your message to all Ayurveda, Spiritual, Yoga, and Healthy-living enthusiasts?

Firstly, I heartily thank to all these enthusiasts who have chosen these paths. In this world of cruelty and technology, thank you for choosing your calling. I heard somewhere: you have two home, first is your earth and second is your body. Take care of them. Well, those who are already in this path are contributing already. Also, to all of you, no matter at what stage of this journey you are in, beginner or pro, don’t ever stop being in this. Because this is one of the finest decision you’ve had made and I promise, you will have result, in the form of peace and contentment.

Which Amrutam product would you love to try?

I’m really too eager to start using Brainkey Gold Malt and Kuntal Care Hair Spa.


Rediscovering Ayurveda is Amrutam’s series of blogs wherein we interview various men and women for their views on Ayurveda. Even though, India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, with passing time it has lost its original importance as a school of life. Indians now refer to it as a school of medicine. Certainly, Ayurveda is much more than that.

So, we at Amrutam have decided to find out what Ayurveda means to people in the present day.

This is the twentieth article in Amrutam’s series of articles called Rediscovering Ayurveda, which aims to understand the idea or perception that modern-day men and women have about Ayurveda.



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