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In this week’s article of our Rediscovering Ayurveda series, we interviewed Lauren Prindiville.
Meet Lauren Prindiville
Lauren Prindiville is a Yoga Instructor & Ayurveda Practitioner based out of Tahiti, French Polynesia. Passionate about traveling and educating, she has the first-hand experience of learning from and volunteering for several organizations across the world!
“I began my journey with Yoga & Ayurveda because I was tired of getting sick!” begins Lauren when asked about her decision to pursue Yoga & Ayurveda. At a point her in her life, she found her body constantly battling with some or the other kind of sickness. She took to medication and was prescribed enormous antibiotics all the time! “I thought I was eating healthy – salads and raw/light foods even during winters but later, Ayurveda showed me a completely different path,” adds Lauren.
A Sudden Encounter
It was when Lauren enrolled for the 200-hour Yoga Teachers’ Training in Bali, that she found Ayurveda. She was instantly hooked to this philosophy and lifestyle: to her it just made sense! She knew she wanted to dive deeper into this science. So, she started taking workshops and reading books about Ayurveda. Everything seemed to fall in place – after all, the reasons to practice healthy living had found a scientific backing. Lauren later went on to study this science in depth in India under Dr. Sreejith Kumar and Hale Pule Ayurveda & Yoga School in Hawaii, USA.
“I loved that Ayurveda viewed each person as unique and not a ‘one size fits all’ kind of thing! This is what really stood out to me. What might be good for me, may not be good for someone else, and that completely NORMAL!”
Since her first encounter with Ayurveda, Lauren has experienced miraculous changes within her body and her surroundings. In her quest to learn more about her body, she has found solace in the divine principles of Yogic & Ayurvedic philosophy. She has learned that her body develops different needs during different times of the year and even different times of the day, for that matter! This has helped her to maintain a healthy daily routine.
The Joy of Sharing
We ask her what has been her motivation to continue to do what she does and she simply says, “Sharing it with people who are new to it!” She loves hearing and seeing people relate to the doshas. And when the little ‘clicks’ happen, suddenly it all makes sense! “I am lucky that I work online so I get to share Ayurveda with my students who are based all over the world,” says Lauren.
“I make sure to take care of myself. And so, I always try to practice what I preach. If as an educator, I tell you that you should wake up early and practice tongue scraping, drink warm water and exercise, then I should be doing that, too! And certainly, I do!”
Of course, she is human, so she has her days of not doing everything perfectly, something she terms ‘ayurvedically’. And she seems to be okay with that. She tries to find balance in all things. Every day, she takes time out for her morning routine, practices Yoga and works! Lauren creates online training and programs to teach about Ayurveda & Yoga so most of her time is spent doing that and connecting with her students. She also teaches Yoga a few times per week. Since, she is fortunate to live in Tahiti, going on walks by the beach, surfing, learning French and enjoying the island life are part of her routine!
Finding a Unique Balance
Lauren is also a big fan of body movements. So much so, that it has become an intrinsic part of her routine. Other habits that she particularly enjoys practicing are tongue scrape and drinking warm water every morning!
“For me, Yoga is a healing practice and Ayurveda teaches us how to heal. With the combination of both we can find out unique state of balance! It is really freeing – the ability to choose and practice healthy living.”
Yoga & Ayurveda have both found their ways to enlighten people across the world. Lauren believes that it is a great time to look for other forms of science, medicine, movement, spirituality, and more. People are opening up to alternative ways of living. Yoga itself has spread a lot over the last few years and she thinks that it is the only way forward! This way, everyone can discover practices that ultimately resonate with them.
Her message to all the Yoga & Ayurveda practitioners is – “Listen to your body, it knows you better than yourself!”
From Amrutam’s holistic list of products, Lauren is excited to try the Kuntal Care Hair Oil!
We are grateful to have Lauren as part of our #AmrutamFamily!