Rediscovering Ayurveda x Monal Tembhurne

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In this week’s article of our Rediscovering Ayurveda series, we interviewed Monal Tembhurne.

Meet Monal Tembhurne

A student of Ayurveda and founder of Nirvana Ayurved, Monal is passionate about everything that resonates with her love for healing. She had hardly finished the 6th year of her life when she knew it in her heart that she wanted to help people heal. “Healing people has always been my ultimate goal. A doctor not only ‘treats’ people but also ‘heals’ them,” she explains. And this ambition of hers is what she claims has always kept her motivated to do what she does!

But being an Ayurveda student was not really on her list of goals to achieve. What changed, you may ask? Well, let’s call it a calling from the Universe that brought Monal to Ayurveda, or vice versa.

“I originally wanted to pursue MBBS like every other young person in India wants to. But due to certain circumstances, I had to take admission in BAMS instead. For me, THIS was the turning point! I didn’t quite like it at first, but eventually as I began understanding the science, it made me fall in love with it. Now, I can’t imagine looking back and changing my decision. Instead, I am grateful I got to experience this gem!”

Looking for guidance to lead healthier lives? Check out Amrutam.Global: A Platform for Holistic Healing.

Following the legacy

Along with Ayurveda, Monal is also a big fan of Yoga! On her Instagram profile, you can see her talking fondly of simple asanas and yummy and effective recipes. She breaks down complex concepts into simple and understandable ideas and helps people get closer to understanding their Prakruti (body constitution). Upon asking who has the biggest influence on her, Monal is eager to talk about her grandfather – who she grew up watching do the Ayurvedic Dincharya every day!

“Though he is no more with us, I learned a lot from him during my childhood,” says Monal. Even her parents, she says, have always managed to effortlessly look after their health! She always wondered what keeps them going with so much energy and positivity. However, it was only when she entered into the field of Ayurveda that she realized he’d been following Ayurvedic principles all his life and that’s where lay the key to his good health!

The Amrutam Ayurveda Lifestyle - Introductory Kit will help you lead an Ayurvedic life in the truest sense!

“My experiences with Ayurveda and Yoga have been such that I have become more aligned with myself and of course, the Universe (the microcosm and macrocosm). Ayurveda and Yoga have literally enhanced my entire thought process.”

Practicing gratitude

A typical day in Monal’s life includes rising with a radiant smile and go about with her morning rituals – tongue scraping, oil pulling. This is followed by some Yoga and meditation. Then off she goes to her clinical postings where she gets to witness patients with various ailments and learn the healing process from her superiors. A long day at college and other activities, however, are always according to the circadian rhythm. Monal understands the need to slow down as the day nears an end, after which she sleeps nurturing peace in her heart. Beginning and ending the day with gratitude basically!

Here are Six Delicious Recipes to Balance Your Doshas!

We ask Monal her favourite habits that she loves following, derived from Ayurveda and she answers:

  1. Asana practice, meditation and Trataka (focused meditation)
  2. Drinking golden milk or turmeric latte
  3. Abhyanga (self-massage) & Udvartana (full body massage)

Monal is a strong believer in the fact that awareness about Ayurveda can be increased through Yoga given how they are sister sciences. “Both teach us to keep our mind, body and soul in equilibrium,” she explains. Even the basic definition of health includes all three – something that Ayurveda students are taught right from the first year of their higher education. Both sciences don’t focus only on treatment of the ailments but the overall health. Preventive first, therapeutic second. Monal adds, “I feel Yoga has gained some momentum and awareness about Ayurveda can definitely be increased through Yoga!”

Amrutam's Poshak Key Massage Oil is an Ayurvedic blend for some calm and soothing Abhyanga!

Ayurveda & Yoga - our anchors

Ayurveda and Yoga provide us the calm we need in this super hectic world! They are our anchors; they hold us in place.

“Our lives nowadays have become so fast-paced that we don’t even get the time to take a breather. Ayurveda & Yoga act as that breather! There are literally so many simple practices we can incorporate into our daily lives that can prevent bigger, more complex issues! Why wait for something to hit us if we hold the power to avoid it in the first place?”

Given a plethora of knowledge Monal possesses, we ask her to share some health and wellness tips. She suggests the following –

  • Always follow ‘Aahar-Vidhi Visheshaytan’ (conditions to obtain complete food benefits) while having meals. Never go against the circadian rhythm and follow Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) according to seasons.

  • Indulge in good oil massages and dry brushing rituals at least once a week. Keep your skin nourished and hydrated every day. Don’t overdo your skincare routine though, it can do more harm than good!

  • Daily intake of Chawanprash is must for boosting your immunity. A simple adjustment like adding tulsi, turmeric, ginger to your daily tea can make a huge difference too! Another key element is to keep your stress levels low because your mind also influences your health.

Amrutam Chawanprash is an age-old ayurvedic recipe made with fresh Amalaki fruit, which is a natural source of anti-oxidants.

Monal's message

Monal has a very kind message for all the natural living enthusiasts.

“The first and foremost thing I want everyone to remember is that our body itself is a miracle! We are already perfectly complete and we are capable of doing so much more than we actually think we can. It saddens me to see people run behind manufactured means rather than trusting their own healing powers. I hope more & more people come across this truth soon!

I would like to add one more thing for my fellow Ayurveda scholars – I understand all of it can be overwhelming, I understand that societal pressure is real but if we take it slow, deal with one thing at a time; it’ll surely become a boon for us. The first step is to actually love what you are doing. Believe in this science & let it surprise you every day!”

A lover of a nourishing skincare regimen, Monal Tembhurne would love to try Amrutam’s Skinkey Malt that contains herbs that purify the blood – an Ayurvedic recipe that will detoxify your channels and bring life to your skin making it healthier and more radiant!

We thank Monal for her kind and illuminating insights and are truly grateful to have her as part of our #AmrutamFamily!


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