Kusa- The Durwa(y) to Great Skin and Health Read about the various benefits of Kusa are sure to make your world a better place once you inculcate them in your life. Continue Reading
The Ayurvedic View of Corona and its Vaccine Within days of the Covid-19 pandemic declaration, people were already familiarizing themselves with the symptoms of... Continue Reading
योग आयुर्वेद और भगवान शिव भारतीय संस्कृति में ईश्वर को मूलतः मानवीय क्षमताओं और आदर्शों की सर्वोत्तम अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में देखा जाता है। इसका... Continue Reading
Lodhra - The Divine Herb Lodhra often titled as the ‘Divine Herb’ cures many healt-related issues. From uterine prolapse to skin disorders and acne Lodhra treats all. Continue Reading
A day at Amrutam Vatika & Factory We hope you enjoyed this little snippet from what a day looks like at Amrutam Vatika and Factory! Continue Reading
Holi Special! A very happy and colourful Holi to you and your family from Amrutam! Here's what happened at Amrutam last week! Wha... Continue Reading