1. Eat up to ¾ of your capacity. This helps your digestive machinery to work better.
2. Exercise or take a brisk walk for 30-40 minutes regularly for at least 6 days a week.
3. Drinking plenty of fresh, pure water is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to reverse the aging process.
4. Sleep for at least six to eight hours restfully in the night.
5. Massage your body with Kayakey oil. A slow, calming massage releases natural relaxing chemical. A brisk, invigorating massage releases natural energizing chemicals.
6. Drink a glass of vegetable juice every day. Raw vegetable juice is full of known and unknown anti-oxidants, which in turn help in reducing free redial activity.
7. Stop smoking. It ages the skin and brings on wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.
8. Eat less oil. Excessive fat intake increases free radical activity. Recycling the used oil is another harmful habit practiced by most home markers. It is a dangerous practice.
9. Be positive. Stay involved with family and friends. Being loved and a sense of belonging work as shock absorbers and help to boost immunity. Meditate every day for at least 20 minutes.
If you practice these tips regularly, you will look at least ten years younger than your age. Don’t expect miracles or overnight results. Patience and discipline in following these tips will get you to the ultimate goal.