Decoding Elon Musk with Ayurveda

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It is 2022, so I am assuming you have probably heard of this person who goes by the name Elon Musk. 

Wikipedia describes Musk as a business magnate and investor. He is also one the wealthiest people in the world and enjoys being in the limelight with his controversial and widely popular statements. 

And while you know about Elon Musk’s amazing accomplishments, what you may not know about him is that he is also an Ayurveda enthusiast.

Yes, you read that right! 

Elon Musk Ayurveda Amrutam


Trust me; I was also equally surprised when I learned that influential men like Elon Musk are appreciative of the Ayurvedic system of medicine. 

And so, in this blog, I have taken the liberty to decode Musk through his quotes and see if there may be an Ayurvedic perspective to it. 

#1 "Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster."

This may seem like a hard pill to swallow but change is inevitable. And Ayurveda is all about adapting to changes. The practice of Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) equips us to adjust to the changing environment, preventing us from falling sick.

Also read: Holistic Practices for Sharad Ritu

#2. "If you had to buy a new plane every time you flew somewhere, it would be incredibly expensive."

While Musk does dream of human life on Mars, he understands how important it is to care for the planet. One of the core components of Ayurveda is sustainability. In ancient times when resources were scarce, sustainability was a natural practice that our ancestors followed. Preserving condiments and pickles in glass jars, upcycling old clothes, and devouring home-cooked meals, among others, helped preserve and sustain resources. 

At Amrutam, we try to contribute our bit to the environment with our Amrutam Recycle Project. Learn more about it here.

Elon Musk Ayurveda Amrutam

#3 "I think that's the single best piece of advice: Constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself."

I think what Musk is trying to say here is that there is no bigger gratification than seeing yourself grow. Ayurvedic principles significantly emphasise the power of self-discipline and trying to achieve a state of enlightenment. 

Spiritual practices of mindfulness, yoga and spending time in nature allow you to connect with your inner self. This further creates space for you to question your conditioning and cultivate self-awareness. 

Also read: 5 Ways to Connect with Your Internal Self

#4 “I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.”

Although Elon Musk has given plenty of controversial statements, he does have a point when he says having a good heart matters. Of course, it does! Besides the body's functioning, Ayurveda also focuses on virtues, known as Gunas, literally translating to ‘quality or tendency’. Things like mental attributes, temperaments and other virtues stem from these Gunas

Take this Guna Quiz to find your dominant virtues. 

#5 "If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it."

It is an accepted truth that you get better at most things in life through practice. But practice alone may not be enough to get you where you want to be. What complements your practice is your intention and belief in yourself. The Ayurvedic term for this is ‘Sankalpa’ meaning an idea or notion formed in the heart or mind.

If you wish to achieve something in life, you must persevere and work for it. And while doing so, do not forget to have faith in the power of practice! 

If you enjoyed reading this article, you might enjoy reading these too:

  1. Rediscovering Ayurveda x Niti Sheth
  2. How to calm your mind with Mindfulness?
  3. Sex and Sexuality according to the Vedas in Hinduism


  1. When Elon Musk Realises Ayurveda has got India ahead with this
  2. Elon Musk's original tweet 


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