Meet the Women Behind Amrutam

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“There’s no limit as to what we, as women, can accomplish.”

Michelle Obama

International Women’s Day is a worldwide event that honors women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. This day also serves as a call to action for achieving gender parity. Globally, there is a lot of activity as people join hands to celebrate women’s accomplishments or to march for women’s equality. But the question remains: Are we making the shift in the little things? 

As an organization, Amrutam has always supported and valued the contributions made by women, considering the majority of Amrutam’s workforce are women contributors. In an attempt to give you a glimpse into the lives of Women at Amrutam and their journey and experiences, we spoke to the contributors that run the show.

Stories, perspectives & more…

While growing up in a patriarchal setting has been challenging for women, it has not prevented young women from being ambitious and taking charge of their lives. Stuti Ashok Gupta, Principal: Brand & Vision, Amrutam says, “We constantly question whether we are deserving enough to take a seat at the table, to make decisions, to be able to run the show without a man approving of it.” However, over the years, Stuti has learned that as working women, we need to overcome our fear to claim our freedom. If you think you have the knowledge and the depth that is needed to do a task, do it without apprehension. While we all make mistakes, that shouldn’t be something that stops us from trying, learning, and yearning to grow. 

I feel something is inspiring about every woman I have ever come across in my life. Some have helped me grow, and some have helped me change.

Stuti Gupta

Left to Right: Stuti Gupta, Mrs. Chandrakanta Gupta

On the same lines, Mrs. Chandrakanta Gupta, Founding Principal, Amrutam mentioned that as a woman in any workplace one should always remember to believe in oneself because that is something that will take them ahead in life. She also explains that in this fast-paced life with so many things happening at the same time, one should also remember that work is important but so is one’s mental health so taking breaks from time to time is also very important.

There is no one thing I’m proud of because I feel everything I do is something I should be proud of even though it’s a small acheivement

Chandrakanta Gupta

For Falak Agwan, Intern, Amrutam Leadership Program, being ambitious has been almost a rebellion of sorts. Coming from a conservative background, she has had to face quite a bit of resistance in pursuing her dreams from her family. Until one day she decided to take charge of her life, taking it one day at a time. “Being financially independent is very important. Many women aren’t able to walk out of a toxic relationship or continue to be harassed because they are not financially independent. Once a woman starts earning, she can support herself and take a stand for her dreams,” she explains. And hence, for Falak, her first paycheck is something that has truly empowered her to continue chasing her dreams. 

Fight for what you deserve and never settle for anything less

Falak Agwan

From left to right: Falak Agwan, Pooja Baliga, Rakshika Aphale

What does empowerment mean?

Empowerment looks different for everyone. For some women it is modesty and for others, it is being your fiercest, boldest self. “Getting out of my comfort zone when there is an opportunity and acquiring new experiences that help in adding value to my life truly empowers me,” quips Pooja Baliga, Customer Happiness Architect, Amrutam. A computer science graduate, Pooja is a strong believer in carving a path for herself. She finds immense fulfillment in her roles as a wife and takes equal pride in being a self-reliant, independent woman! 

Two women inspire me one Sudha Murthy who has won my heart a million times with her philanthropy and the second our one and own Stuti Gupta who inspired me to work for Amrutam, as a part of the family.

Pooja Baliga

As more and more young girls and women stride towards ensuring gender parity, they need to be able to find role models to look up to in their respective industries. When asked for advice for young women entering the workforce, Rakshika Aphale, Community & Marketplace Architect, Amrutam explains, “Being open to learning which also includes making mistakes and bad decisions are crucial to growing as an individual. Also, pick your battle wisely. Don’t try to fight something or someone that won’t budge at the cost of your peace of mind.” She sincerely believes that being genuinely enthusiastic about your work and not taking criticism personally will prove to be big game changers for those looking to leave behind a mark.

All women inspire me with their delightful quirks and meaningful values

Rakshika Aphale

Left to Right: Usha, Ragini Jain, Asha, Sarsvati

To work hard is one thing but to be motivated to constantly work hard is another. When asked what is it that motivates her to pursue her dreams, Ragini Jain, Computer Operator proudly shares that it is her loved ones and the small voice in her head that pushes her to do and be better. All our journeys look different but Ragini knows that which is what makes her so keen and eager to learn and diversify her knowledge every day. 

I’ll be always proud of where I am today, I might be a bit late but I’m happy where I am today and the people who I am with support me and help me improve.

Ragini Jain


The contributors working at Amrutam Vatika and Factory are just as passionate and hard-working. Not only has being independent helped them envision a new life for themselves and their future generations, but they have also found a great deal of joy in working with an enthusiastic team. Usha, Sarsvati, and Asha are completely different as individuals but when asked who was it they looked up to, their answer was unanimous – Chandrakanta Gupta.

Mrs. Gupta is a firm believer in sharing positive vibrations. It is not only the ingredients and spices that we put in our recipes that matter but also the energy with which we make them, she said during her interview. Apart from values of solidarity and camaraderie, resonating with women that came before us also prove to be a great source of inspiration. Shradha Sabherwal, Content Architect, Amrutam says, “I look up to several female figures as each one of them has a different story to tell and something to learn from. Women are extremely powerful and we must learn to embrace our power and be confident about it.” 

Breaking the bias for me is a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world where difference and individuality is valued and celebrated. Where women stop hearing ‘oh you are a girl you can’t do this’.

Shradha Sabherwal

From left to right: Shradha Sabherwal, Amisha Garg, Bhavya Bhat


In keeping with this year’s theme of International Women’s Day #BreakTheBias, we asked the Women at Amrutam what did the phrase mean to them. Amisha Garg, Illustrator & Graphic Designer, Amrutam shares, “I perceive it as a very powerful phrase. To me, it means fighting preconceived notions as a collective and individuals, smashing stereotypes, and treating people righteously regardless of their gender, social status, and situation.” Amisha joined the team at Amrutam during the pandemic and has since evolved into a dependable and skilled professional. 

Don’t ever feel hesitant to speak up!

Amisha Garg

Bhavya Bhat, Intern, Amrutam Leadership Program believes that being able to exercise our right to choose and do what we want without societal pressure is what #BreakingTheBias means to her. Seeking inspiration from her sister, Bhavya is on a personal mission to come out of her shell and reach her maximum potential. 

“Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.” this quote by Stephanie Bennett-Henry is something I think one should keep in mind during stressful times.

Bhavya Bhat

While the big picture appears attractive, and ideal even, we are yet to reach a place of absolute equality. The way Stuti puts it, “Gender bias is so subtle and intangible most often, that it is hard to fight it. It is easy to victimize yourself but building awareness for how we contribute to this bias is a big game-changer.” As we venture into a brand new year, Amrutam as an organization pledges to continue to empower and encourage women to be the dreamers, the doers, and the change-makers and #BreakTheBias. 


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Shruthu Nayak

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