Rediscovering Ayurveda X Niti Sheth

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In this week’s article of our Rediscovering Ayurveda series, we interviewed Niti Sheth.

Let’s Meet Her

Niti Sheth is an enthusiastic Ayurvedic massage therapist based in England and is known for guiding people to heal through restorative Ayurvedic therapies. She loves to share her wisdom, passion, and incredible knowledge of ayurvedic nutrition with people through delightful recipes. The idea behind this is to encourage people to incorporate Ayurveda into their lives. When we asked her about what lured her towards Ayurveda, she said that it was her inquisitiveness that played a pivotal role in this exploration.

Happy Niti when she got to know that she could resume work after lockdown 🙂

I also loved the fact that Ayurveda has remained unchanged for thousands of years, yet it still continues to work wonders worldwide—whereas modern medicine comes up with a new health headline every month, often contradicting studies from a few months ago. The steadiness of Ayurveda trumps the fickle nature of modern medicine any day.

Early Days

After completing high school in Brisbane, Australia, Niti decided to pursue a double degree in nutrition and media and communication at the Queensland University of Technology. The combination of these subjects was extraordinary, and so was Niti. We were curiously thinking about what must’ve led her to make this selection. To this, she replied,

“My rationale behind it was that health was starting to feature more and more in mainstream media, so it was important to know what to say and how to say it.”

The chain reaction of these small events had already begun, and it all cumulated to an external seminar on Ayurveda that changed everything for her. Niti attended it during her final year of graduation. The only words she could use to describe them were “That one hour blew my mind. The basic principles of Ayurveda were so logical and practical that Niti felt the need to study further.

“ After university, I stayed in India for three months, learning about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic nutrition from Dr. Ramdas at Vaidyagrama Healing Village near Coimbatore. This was my first real dip into the Ayurvedic ocean. I loved living in India, traveling on the local bus every day, and walking through the fields to Vaidyagrama. Dr. Ramdas and I would read daily from the Ashtanga Hridayam, and he would help me make sense of all the sutras. I would also pick his brains in trying to apply this ancient wisdom to a more contemporary audience-how could I relate it to people in Australia? ”

Back to the present

When she came back to Australia, she couldn’t find a job in the field that she had initially studied, but she did find a job as a receptionist at Back2Health. She put in a lot of effort, and finally, her perseverance paid off. She graduated as an ayurvedic massage therapist! Her therapies include Abhyanga, deep tissue massage, marma point massage, Indian head massage, pregnancy, and post-natal massage, and Pindaswedana. Their focal point is to release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. We’re elated to share with you that Niti has leveled up and expanded her workspace. She is now a proprietor and has begun practicing from home. 😊

Also Read: 4 Amrutam ways to relax your mind.

“There’s no one single thing that I can say is my biggest achievement-it’s the little things put together: following my passion and turning that into my job; the relief clients get as they walk out of a massage feeling lighter and looser; setting up my own business; helping people from all walks of life and from all around the world live a healthier lifestyle.”

What keeps you going?

Niti’s motivation to work every day with similar fervor is seeing people’s transformations from practicing Ayurveda, and “nothing is more encouraging than that,” she says.

Following this trail, we asked her about the significance of yoga and Ayurveda in the contemporary world.

She responded by saying that the two life sciences were designed to assist us in navigating life by encouraging us to become the healthiest versions of ourselves. Furthermore, Niti shared with us the wonderful changes she has noticed after embracing an ayurvedic lifestyle. She said that

“ My adoption of the Ayurvedic lifestyle is still a work in progress, but for me, the biggest changes I’ve experienced from whatever I’ve applied so far is in understanding and becoming aware of my body. Realising what works for me and what doesn’t and striving to eat and live accordingly. How my digestion works, what makes it happy and what doesn’t, and how much it affects my overall health, is something I understand. “

Looking for something that’ll reduce the secretion of stomach acids while promoting mucosal healing, preventing and treating constipation, as well as enhancing digestion? Amrutam’s Zeo Malt is your answer!

Are you new to the world of Ayurveda and are looking to dive into its fascinating realm? If yes, then there is no better and simpler way for you to do so than trying out our Ayurveda Lifestyle Kit!

Tips from our Expert

Further building on the foundation of good health, Niti emphasizes the direct correlation between it and our productivity. The rationale is that when we are balanced in body-mind-spirit, we can achieve so much more at both personal and professional levels. She even shared with us her favorite practices! Let’s have a look at them.

  • Wait till you feel hungry before you eat-sometimes we eat so much that we overburden our digestion instead of fuelling it.
  • Use Divya Alter’s simple digestive masala in savoury dishes like soups, curries, or roast veggies!


2 tbsp coriander seeds,

2 tbsp fennel seeds,

2 tsp cumin seeds,

2 tsp kalonji (nigella) seeds,

1 tsp ground turmeric.

Place them all in an electric grinder or spice mill and grind to a fine powder. Store in an airtight jar away from light.

Also Read: Borage – the digestive system partner

  • Always choose warm or hot water over cold water or even cold drinks. Favour ginger teas, CCF teas, or other herbal teas.
  • Get adequate exercise. Movement helps stimulate and encourage circulation to the digestive system to help keep it in check.
  • Partake in a simple cleanse or detox to help reset and recalibrate your digestive system. Have you tried Amrutam’s Marodfali Churna yet? It is the best remedy for easing digestion and also balancing aggravated Kapha and Pitta.

Niti and Shyam

A special Recipe from Niti’s kitchen

Earlier we’d mentioned what an amazing cook Niti is. But do not believe us! We want you to try it for yourself 😉

Here’s our fav summer meal recipe for our Amrutam family to try!

*Drum rolls*

Rocket-Basil Pesto Pasta!

  • Boil water to cook grains of choice
  • Add salt as per taste to rocket leaves and basil in a blender.
  • Add a generous amount of olive oil to the blender, followed by pine nuts, black pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Blend, blend, blend.
  • Now cook the grains of your preference (Niti here is using gluten free spaghetti).
  • Chop colorful summer veggies of your choice and saute them in ghee and hing (asfoetida).
  • Add them to your cooked grains and rocket-basil pesto and voila, your dish is ready!

Alternatives used for grains can be barley, quinoa, pasta, bulgur, wheat, and pearl couscous.

Niti’s message

Throughout our lives, we carry parts of the people we meet. These are stored with us in the form of learning, habits, and ideas. And to be honest, this exchange is wholesome! So, we requested Niti to leave a message for all the members of our Amrutam family. 😊

“Understand your digestion and understand your nature (mental and emotional) – knowing these two things are crucial in living a balanced life and in that way, you can then go on to be of more service to others.”

Niti describes herself as a lazy person when it comes to doing something for her hair and skin, and hence, she is super excited about trying Kuntal Hair Care Malt! It is a natural therapy for preventing hair loss. The key ingredients of Kuntal Care Malt are Bhringaraj, Sariva, Jatamansi, Dhatri Loh, and Chandi Bhasm. Kuntal Care Malt is very beneficial for smooth, silky, and healthy hair, plus a timesaver for her!

We are grateful to Niti Sheth for the wonderful work she has done and are honored to have her as a member of our #AmrutamFamily!


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