Holistic Ayurvedic Practices for Sharad Ritu Mid-September to Mid-November is the time for Sharad Ritu. Learn about these holistic ayurvedic practices for this season with Amrutam! Continue Reading
ब्रेन की गोल्ड माल्ट के 19 चमत्कारी लाभ | 19 Magical Gains of Brainkey Gold Malt हमारा शरीर-हमारी तक़दीर ब्रेनकी गोल्ड माल्ट - Brainkey Gold Malt हमारी तकदीर बदल सकता है । क्योंकि तकदीर बदलने के... Continue Reading
How to wash your Hair: The Amrutam Way of doing it How to wash your Hair: The Amrutam Way of doing it Continue Reading
How to have a Healthy Liver? Did you know that the liver is our largest internal organ? It’s true. It is about the size of a football and is lo... Continue Reading
How Ayurveda can help improve digestion in body? The digestive system plays a very important role in keeping you healthy. Our body runs on the nutrients that food ... Continue Reading
अब कम उम्र वाली महिलाएं भी हो रही हैं, संतान सुख से वंचित। क्या हैं कारण, लक्षण और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार? बेचारी नारी, जो कभी नहीं हारी! वैसे तो नारी कभी बीमारी के अलावा अन्य किसी से नहीं हारी। कुंवारी होने पर वह मासि... Continue Reading