What is Polycystic Ovarian Disease? Learn with Amrutam.
Polycystic ovary syndrome affects 6% to 10% of women worldwide
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. What causes PCOS?
While the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, some of the factors that contribute to aggravating the condition include excess insulin, nutritional deficiency, hormonal imbalances, genetics and sedentary lifestyle.Understanding the effects of PCOS
Women with PCOS are more prone to a variety of serious health conditions that significantly impact other areas of their life like sexual and emotional health including their ability to contribute professionally and socially.Myths and Facts

Myth: PCOS can be treated only with medicines.
Fact: Lifestyle changes play a crucial role in reducing the symptoms of PCOS. Avoiding alcohol, smoking, and psychosocial stressors add to the disease modification.

Myth: PCOS only affects overweight women.
Fact: PCOS does not discriminate and can affect women of all shapes and sizes. The relationship between weight and PCOS has to do with the body's inability to use insulin properly, which can lead to weight gain.

Myth: It is normal for periods to be extremely painful.
Fact: It is not normal for periods to be extremely painful. If you are experiencing severe period pain that cannot be relieved by pain medication, endometriosis may be the cause.
According to Ayurveda
A woman’s reproductive health is a significant indicator of her overall health. But our bodies struggle to maintain optimal health due to poor lifestyles, bad eating habits, and overconsumption.Vedic texts prescribe age-old herbs found in nature
like Ashoka, Lodhra, Shatavari and Gokhru that address the root-cause and heal the body from within. They cleanse and detoxify your body from within, enhance libido and reproductive health and add radiance to your skin!Take this quiz to find the perfect recipe for you!
Amrutam's Nari Sondarya Range has impacted over 75,000 women
Infused with healing herbs that are beneficial for the female reproductive system, in treating infertility and decreased libido, PCOS, and menopause. Also effective in treating skin-related issues such as acne, redness, and inflammation giving your skin a subtle glow! Amrutam's Women Health and Wellness Range
What our community members have to say
"I am 41yr old and having periods issues for more than a year. After being diagnosed with peri menopause, I wanted to give Amrutam Nari malt a try. I used it regularly for the last 3 months and finally got my periods without being on any medication. I am on my second jar and will continue to buy it on regular basis. Highly recommend if you have menstural issues."
"I have been consuming 2 spoons per day of this product since a few weeks now and it has really helped me manage my pcos symptoms. I have replaced this with inositol and other supplements that I used to take. This is a great combination of all the essential nutrients that we need to manage our pcos symptoms. And probably the only supplement that has the right ingredients. I feel less bloated and fatigued. The effect won’t show in just a few days, try finishing one complete pack for results. Amrutam has also launched Nari Sondarya Capsules which work great along with the malt. This can be used as a single long term product for managing PCOS and keeping the symptoms in check."
"I got positive results, Want to share a very positive review about Amrutam Nari Sondarya Malt & Capsules that I have used. I have been fighting PCOD since many years. Came across Amrutam on Insta through Farheen’s reel and I have been consuming Nari Sondarya Malt & Capsules since last 3-4 weeks. Trust me, by blindly following the instructions I was able to get out of PCOD. The constant support of team amrutam, helped a lot – they respond very fast on IG😊 I have also used Nari Sondarya Oil , which has also given excellent results. How can I forget the Kuntal Spa, my fav. product from Amrutam. My hair texture has improved drastically and overall feels smoother and shinier… so grateful to have found Amrutam in the sea of chemical based products. So women have faith and patience, these products surely work. Thanks 🙏🏻"